Bpigs Homepage

Friday, 18 Oct
Performance and Artist Talk: JORGE LOPES painting staged by CLÉMENT LAYESwith Jorge Lopes, Clément Layes   Finissage: Saturday November 2nd, 5 - 9 pm The choreographer Clement Layes stages Jorge Lopes's painting, going back into the history of his work, exhibiting some of its emotional backstage, unfolding... Axel Obiger – Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst
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Image: © Michel Aniol, Strange Paradise, 2024 Strange Paradise: Michel Aniol & Meike KuhnertThe visual artists and founders of the nomadic project space Stay Hungry, Michel Aniol & Meike Kuhnert present the immersive installation Strange Paradise. The collaborative solo exhibition can be seen from 19.10.-23.11.2024 on the... SCOTTY
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Past week

Monday, 7 Oct
MissRead Radio x Lumbung RadioMISS READ radio x lumbung radio presents the pre-fair program at MISS READ space and SAVVY Contemporary in Wedding, Berlin (October 6-10). This week-long event features on-site workshops, presentations, publisher lectures, book launches,... MISS READ SPACE
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Thursday, 10 Oct
Finissage Sarah Eick, 8 SECONDSThe exhibition "8 seconds" by Berlin photographer Sarah Eick (*1974) provides an insight into the artist's past, special moments, which she has been recording in a calendar diary for twenty years. She photographed these moments – mainly... artrelations Galerie
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Linda Weiss, to be in the city, c-print, 102 x 135 cm, 2024 When You’re Calmer BerlinWhen You’re Calmer Berlin, Booth 53 @ Platforms Project 2024 “Love as Resistance“ (Linda Weiss) curated by Wendy Calmer Wendy Calmer (When You're Calmer Berlin) is pleased to announce the participation in the independent art fair Platforms... Tobacco Factory
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Tracey Snelling, Leipziger Strasse 40, Windows, 2024, detail of sculpture. Photo: Tracey Snelling How We Live, Curator's Guided Tour in DialogueOne unifying element of the sculptures in the „How We Live“ exhibition is the theme of social housing, i.e., state-subsidized construction projects and the associated social issues. For the „Haus am Lützowplatz“ art association, the „How... Haus am Lützowplatz
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Sunday, 13 Oct
Side program for "I only work with lost and found" - Goldrausch 202413.30 – 14.30: Listening session with Mizi Lee (Goldrausch 2024) Mizi Lee, founder of the band Horizontaler Gentransfer (HGT), presents the songs that inspired her, from Georg Kreisler, Udo Jürgens, and Goldene Zitronen to Aespa and BTS.... Kunstraum Kreuzberg
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Next week

Thursday, 24 Oct
fly leaf Book & Zine FestivalWIRWIR + Falschrum Office  + Replika Publishing  24. -27. October 2024 WIRWIR
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Ongoing Exhibitions

Haus am Lützowplatz
HaL-Hofskulptur #9: Jim Avignon, Workout-City, 2024 Jim Avingon -Workout-CityHaL-Hofskulptur #9: Jim Avingon -Workout-City Live performance: The Gentrification Parade, music    performance and ballet Berlin aims to build. Yet, how to create as much affordable housing as possible in the shortest amount of time...
18 May-20 Oct
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Tracey Snelling, Leipziger Strasse 40, Windows, 2024, detail of sculpture. Photo: Tracey Snelling Tracey Snelling - How We LiveOne unifying element of the sculptures in the „How We Live“ exhibition is the theme of social housing, i.e., state-subsidized construction projects and the associated social issues. For the „Haus am Lützowplatz“ art association, the „How...
12 Sep-9 Feb
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Kunstverein am Rosa–Luxemburg–Platz
Eric Meier, Access All Areas (AAAAAAAAA)      opening hours: Thur-Sat 14-18 and by appointment
8 Aug-2 Nov
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Daniela Comani , The Reading Room
12 Sep-26 Oct
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Kunstraum Kreuzberg
 I only work with lost and found – Goldrausch 2024with Belia Zanna Geetha Brückner, Isabelle Heske, Leonie Kellein, Jeanna Kolesova, Eva-Fiore Kovacovsky, Mizi Lee, Marei Loellmann, Gülşah Mursaloğlu, Laura Nitsch, Eglė Otto, Evelina Reiter, Noor us Sabah Saeed, Dior Thiam, Cora...
31 Aug-3 Nov
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LIVING IN THE LIMINAL: let’s metabolize!The world ‘as we know it’ is unraveling before our eyes, and society finds itself in territory for which there is no map. This is a liminal zone between the no longer and the not yet. Six participatory events in the wild garden of the...
31 Aug-21 Dec
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Eric Meier, VaterlandEyes, it is said, are the window to the soul. They have the ability to reflect lies, humour, pain and joy. If you look into the eyes of the people portrayed by Eric Meier, pale faces return your gaze, tired and empty. They bear witness to...
5 Sep-26 Oct
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BBA Gallery
WHYIXD, ‘Heaven Bloom’, 2024. Echoes of tomorrow. Yes, today!Exhibiting artists  Verena Bachl / Rhys Himsworth / Chirag Jindal / Sven Windzsus / WHYIXD BBA Gallery presents "echoes of tomorrow. yes, today!" during Berlin Art Week 2024. The title of the exhibition plays with the juxtaposition of...
6 Sep-19 Oct
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Galerie Georg Nothelfer
ELMIRA IRAVANIZAD In Limbo Introduction and artist talk: Sunday, September 15, 2 pm The artist's work includes small and large-format paintings in oil on canvas, sculptures made of ceramic, metal and wood and collages, which she assembles from drawings, cut-outs,...
11 Sep-9 Nov
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Galerie EIGEN + ART Berlin
Kai Schiemenz PRIELInterview with Kai Schiemenz about the show EIGEN + ART: Last year, you published a catalog titled “Priel”. To what degree is this exhibition based on the concepts described in this catalog, and how have you further developed them...
12 Sep-9 Nov
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