Tips This Week

Tips This Week

We are currently accepting submissions for the upcoming Gallery Weekend issue. Deadline is April 15. Information about pricing can be found here


Mon, 17 Mar, 17h at Alte Münze Unspoken Spaces: Guided Tour though Invible Lines, hosted by The Female Photoclub as part of Emop Berlin
with Natalia Carstens, Alena Schmick, Maren Katerbau, Chiara Dazi, Jordana Schramm
Quiet, often overlooked spaces are explored that seem inconspicuous at first glance, but reveal deeper, invisible boundaries in everyday life. These places tell of social and personal barriers that remain unspoken and yet characterise our coexistence.

also this week:
Fractured Views - Tuesday 18th March at 17h
Anne Barth, Katerina Andriuscenco, Su Kim, Dorothea Janina Wagner, Catherine Lieser, Mar Martín
Out of Place - Wednesday 19th March at 17h 
Cherie Birkner, Ana Maria Sales Prado, Annette Koroll, Julia Otto, Astis Krause, Stephanie Neumann, Andrea Kueppers
Moments of Being - Thursday 20th March at 17h 
Isabell Kessler, Victoria Kämpfe, Marie Eberhardt, Silke Mayer, Veronika Hubert Natter
Echoes - Friday 21th March at 17h
Marlene Gawrisch, Simone Wenth, Gudrun Senger, Kseniia Apresian, Samantha Dietmar

16 Mar-23 Mar 
Alte Münze
Molkenmarkt 2
10179 Berlin

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Fri, 21 Mar 19h at Axel Obiger – Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst Opening of Im blauen Himmel nur Pigmente with Matthias Moravek I Sebastian Speckmann

The exhibition forms an artistic measuring of secret and uncanny landscapes by thinking through both colour and line. Using the means of painting (Matthias Moravek) and printmaking (Sebastian Speckmann), the works examine the relationship between form and nature. The eponymous poetry by Jan Wagner, in whose lyric the landscapes sometimes carry their image within themselves, forms an overarching reference to both visual languages.

22 Mar-19 Apr 2025
Reading on April 9 at 7 p.m. with Jan Wagner, poet and Büchner Prize winner
Axel Obiger – Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst
Brunnenstr. 29
10119 Berlin

Poster for the exhibition „Im blauen Himmel nur Pigmente“ - Matthias Moravek / Sebastian Speckmann at Axel Obiger, Berlin

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Thu, Mar 20th 16-20h at Neue Nationalgalerie Workshop: Nan Goldin – Let it slide

If you haven't visited This Will Not End Well yet, hurry up and make plans to do so. Admission is free Thursdays from 4-8pm, but entry must be reserved before hand. (Also, spoiler alert: This Will Not End Well for Klaus Biesenbach) 

Workshop: How can images bring stories to life? How do images change through a rapid sequence? How does the effect change when images swap places? Create an analogue slideshow with your pictures and bring your picture sequence to life. Draw, paint, glue and set the pictures in motion in different sequences.

Other Workshop times: Saturday 12:00-17:00
Free admission

as part of the exhibition
Nan Goldin: This Will Not End Well
Neue National Galerie

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Thu, 20 March, 17-18 h Akademie der Künste—Hanseatenweg Perfomance: Es bleibt ein Weg Wasser im Dorf. Scenic reading
With Kerstin Hensel and students from the Hochschule für Schauspielkunst „Ernst Busch“
As part of the exhibition Ein Dorf 

Admission 5.00 € Free admission up to 18 years
TICKETS / REGISTRATION 030 200 57 10 00
Akademie der Künste—Hanseatenweg
Hanseatenweg 10
10557 Berlin – Tiergarten

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Fri, 21 Mar 19-20:30h at Verein Berliner Künstler Artist's Talk/Lecture as part of the exhibition Glimpses.
Workshop Talk: The Photographer Katharina Bosse

Katharina Bosse is involved in long-term projects on the subject of gender and biography. She works both in the darkroom and with digital collages, as well as in network projects. In 2011 she published A Portrait of the Artist as a young Mother on the subject of image and motherhood, and in 2020 Thingstätten on the problematic legacy of open-air theatres from the Nazi era. Katharina Bosse is actively working to create more visibility for female* photographers and queer artists through curating and publishing. She is a member of and heads the curatorial programme of the project gallery ‘Elsa’ in Bielefeld.

Free admission
Verein der Berliner Künstlerinnen 1867 e.V.
Eisenacher Straße 118
10777 Berlin – Schöneberg

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Sat March 22, 14h Artist's talk: D O N ` T   T O U C H ! at Galerie Georg Nothelfer with Birte Bosse, Stella Geppert, Hauck Plümpe, Bastian Hoffmann, Jeroen Jacobs, Delia Jürgens, Jenny Michel, Thomas Rentmeister, Robert Schad, Geerten Verheus

With the group exhibition D O U N ´T  T O U C H !, Galerie Georg Nothelfer raises questions about context, materiality and aesthetic experience of sculptural works. Art is "framed" in its historical, social and political context and is rarely viewed in isolation from it today. The different contexts and the associated framing change perception. [...] At the latest since the transgressions of modernism and the associated detachment from the "old", art itself has repeatedly redrawn the boundary between art and non-art, while at the same time proclaiming the abolition of this boundary and thus opening up new zones of experience. In this context, can the touching and, above all, the not touching of art be rethought in order to reflect on the contextual meaning? [...] (Text excerpt: Harald F. Theiss)

12 Mar-19 Apr 2025
Galerie Georg Nothelfer
Corneliusstr. 3
10787 Berlin

pictured: Jenny Michel, Paradise – Vehicle in Decay – Trailer #2, 2014, Nitrofrottage, intaglio ink on various papers and cardboard, found wooden parts, 40 x 60 x 55 cm. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Georg Nothelfer Photo: Frank Pichler

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Sat, 22 Mar 15-15:30 at Spreepark Art Space Introduction to the exhibition with the Welcome Team Hidden Realities: Collective Artistic Explorations
15:00 - 15:30

From pickles to plates, from ants' nests to fences and their “guests” – it’s all about discovering “Hidden Realities” in and around the Eierhäuschen. During the half-hour introduction given by the Welcome Team, you are cordially invited to learn more about the works on display in the current exhibition, the artists who created them, and Spreepark Art Space.
With Animal Architecture Collective (Cardoso Studio, Feral Partnerships, Jennifer Turpin), Imperfect Futures (Naadira Patel, Manijeh Verghese, Sarah de Villiers, Zen Marie, as well as external collaborators: Madeleine Amsler and Alice Clancy), MOTHS (Yujia Bian, Niel de Vries, Hanwen Zhang, Xiaolu Yan)

16 Mar-15 Jun 2025
Spreepark Art Space
Eierhäuschen / Spreepark Kiehnwerder Allee 2,
12437 Berlin


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Aline Alagem, The Dream of the Painteress, 2019 oil on canvas, 80 × 100 cm, Courtesy of the artist

Wed, March 26, 19h Culture around 1960: Screening of Wolfgang Neuss’ Wir Kellerkinder followed by a lecture and discussion as part of Berliner Realistinnen 65 Jahre Haus am Lützowplatz (HaL) at Haus am Lützowplatz

With works by: Aline Alagem, Sonja Alhäuser, Marie Aly, Stefanie Bühler, Zuzanna Czebatul, Birgit Dieker, Johanna Dumet, Hannah Sophie Dunkelberg, Kerstin Dzewior, Marion Eichmann, Simone Haack, Victoria Heifetz, Stefanie Hillich, Cathrin Hoffmann, Barbara Keidel, Fee Kleiß, Franziska Klotz, Kathrin Landa, Hortensia Mi Kafchin, Florence Obrecht, Maria und Natalia Petschatnikov, Antonia Rodrian, Shanee Roe, Tanja Selzer, Kerstin Serz, Charlie Stein, Alex Tennigkeit und Ivana de Vivanco

The exhibition „Berliner Realistinnen. 65 Years of Haus am Lützowplatz (HaL)“ will reconstruct the urban development situation of Lützowplatz in 1960 in its historical section. Large-scale wallpapers will depict the vast, undeveloped wastelands of the area, serving as a visual backdrop for photographs from the late 1950s and early 1960s. Documents about the building’s history and its early exhibition program will be displayed in vitrines.

coming up Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 19:00 Curator’s Tour
8 Mar-9 Jun 2025
Haus am Lützowplatz
Lützowplatz 9
10785 Berlin

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Fri, 28 Mar 19:00-21:00 at soft power No mixed feelings: spiral downwards joy
with Corinna Brenner, Dalia Maini/DMT, Saverio Cantoni & Stefano “Menion” Ferrari

For No mixed feelings: spiral downwards joy, Saverio Cantoni, Dalia Maini aka DMT and Stefano “Menion” Ferrari form an ensemble of devices, sensibilities, and political consciousness shaped in dissonant frequencies and sonic fabulation, joined by Corinna Brenner interpreting in sign language the spoken words and sonic improvisation. Weaving personal experiences and lived reality, transforming grief into joy through noise, No mixed feelings: spiral downwards joy invites the audience to collectively mourn the debilitation of a liveable world. The collaborative aural performance caters to the relationship between territory, politics, and poetry in a shape-shifting oral-acoustic experience; transitory like improvisational sounding environments, and transtemporal like nocturnal storytelling.

pictured: Saverio Cantoni, Time is out of Joint, Domestic Exercises: Homework for a Sustainable Togetherness, Villa Romana, Firenze. Co-produced by Villa Romana and soft power. Photo © saverio, 2024.

soft power
Teilestraße 11-13
12099 Berlin

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Fri, 28 Mar 2025 23:00 at Lark Simon Mullan: Chronos

chronos @simon_mullan @kostas_kerasiotis @riotbutt @dittrichschlechtriem

***Pick your wristband up at the gallery***

Holzmarktstrasse 15-18
10179 Berlin


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LAST WEEK! Monty Richthofen SWALLOWED BULLETS at Dittrich & Schlechtriem

Monty Richthofen’s latest body of work pushes the boundary between language and abstraction. Drawings and paintings incorporating text fragments—sometimes bold, sometimes illegible and obscure, blurred, sprayed over, or blacked out—reflect a tension between revelation and concealment.

On the occasion of the exhibition, the gallery will publish an essay by Laura Helena Wurth in both German and English, available prior to the opening in February 2025.

Monty Richthofen (b. Munich, 1995) is a Berlin-based artist whose work challenges conventional poetry by visualizing text through painting, public writings, and tattooing. 
until 22 Mar 2025

Dittrich & Schlechtriem
Linienstraße 23
10178 Berlin

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Being Renée Sintenis & The Women of My Life. at Kunstverein am Rosa–Luxemburg–Platz 
Alexandra Hopf’s latest exhibition reexamines the narratives of women in art and cultural history, opening a dialogue on shifting perceptions of self, identity, and memory.

At the heart of the show is her new film, Being Renée Sintenis, which follows the Berlin sculptor Renée Sintenis (1888–1965), a celebrated figure of the 1920s. The film presents Sintenis reclaiming her own story, challenging the image imposed on her. Costumes from the production, rich in 20th-century art historical references, form part of the exhibition. In The Women of Her Life, Hopf transforms 77 portraits from the 1930 book Unsere Zeit in 77 Frauenbildnissen into reverse glass paintings, weaving them into a contemporary anthology shaped by personal memories of influential women from the 1970s to the 1990s. Through film, painting, and performance, Hopf creates a space for reinterpreting historical narratives, offering a fresh perspective on the evolving constructs of identity and representation.

until 14 Apr 2025
Kunstverein am Rosa–Luxemburg–Platz
Linienstrasse 45 ***NEW ADDRESS!!!! *
10119 Berlin
Lisa-Katrina Meyer als Renée Sintenis Setfoto©Alexandra-Hopf

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Heike Gallmeier, Annette Gödde at SCOTTY 

In HEIKE GALLMEIER'S work, the levels of construction, reconstruction and deconstruction combine with each other in a manner that is just as fluid as the media of sculpture, painting and photography. 

ANNETTE GÖDDE works with photography, video and installation. Collected materials, objects and settings are photographed in the studio, collaged on the computer and transferred into real space. The result of the work is thus always a result of digital processing.

until 30 Mar 
Oranienstr. 46
10969 Berlin

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TRACES: Michael Dell, Ali Eckert, Hyacinthe Ouattara at Ronewa Art Projects
Ali Eckert | Hyacinthe Ouattara | Michael Dell

Traces brings together an array of mediums and techniques by artists Ali Eckert (Germany/USA), Hyacinthe Ouattara (Burkina Faso/France), and Michael Dell (New Zealand). All three artists have an artistic practice driven by process, each having developed a characteristic method of layering their materials to explore and probe what is visible, what is unseen, and what is contained in the remnants.

until 12 Apr 
Ronewa Art Projects
Potsdamer Str. 91
10785 Berlin


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Open call for the Berlin Artists Art Market, 9th edition. Deadline: Friday, 21 March at 6 pm. Results will be published on Friday, 18. April.
BAAM9 will take place from Friday, 23 until Sunday, 25 May 2025. Please submit your proposals by filling out the APPLICATION FORM here.
All mediums are accepted: paintings, drawings, sculptures, prints, photographs, video art, installations, mixed media, etc.
Price Range: Your artworks can be priced between €50 to €7500.
Artwork Limits: Submit your proposals up to 10 small-format no-framed pieces (max. A2) for table display, and max. 10 artworks for wall hanging (no size limit).
Application fee of 10€ (5€ for students). This small commission will help us involving curators to review the big amount of proposals.
BAAM - Berlin Artists Art Market, 9th edition
May 23th - 25th 2025

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SELLERIE WEEKEND is Berlin's off-program for project spaces during Gallery Weekend.

For the third time, Sellerie Weekend gathers the program of project spaces in Berlin, on the weekend of 2.5.–4.5.2025. Participating spaces will be listed on the Sellerie Weekend Website and communicated with an on- and offline campaign.

This initiative aims to create visibility for the work of independent art spaces in the city through joint action. It expresses an understanding of art and its display that is not oriented towards commercial purposes. You can register here

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OPEN CALL for content from the Art of the Working Class magazine. Join the editorial program exproling the ideas through four open calls: Experience, Transfiguration, Choreography, and Relationships. Each theme invites diverse, personal contributions that inspire reflection and action.

Open Call #1: EXPERIENCE Deadline for entry: April 1, 2025
Open Call #2: TRANSFIGURATION Deadline for entry: May 15, 2025
Open Call #3: CHOREOGRAPHY Deadline for entry: July 1, 2025
Open Call #4: RELATIONSHIPS Deadline for entry: October 1, 2025
The aim to publish up to 10 submissions per issue and additional works will be selected for the online editions. There is no reimbursement. 
Guidelines for All 4 Calls:

Length: 1,000 words (maximum)

Language: Contributions may be in any language, and we encourage you to

Format: Submit as a PDF and/or as images in a folder, with each file titled in the following format: [Your Name]_[OpenCallTopic]

For submissions, and inquiries contact: Dalia Maini,

for more information have a look here

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