vincenz sala paris|berlin
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Opening hours
Thu+ Fr 18-21h and Sat 15-18h
Foundation year
Hermann Oechtering and Helmut Bauer
Berliner Strasse or Güntzelstrasse
Starting off in the mid-80ies in Berlin, it moved to Brussels in the late 90ies, and, after a long sabbatical, has reopened in 2011 with 2 spaces in Berlin and Paris. It’s programmatic focus migrates between young upcoming artists, working across all media, and established, mostly sculptural art.
vincenz sala paris|berlin
Tilo Riedel: Kein Zimmer, Küche, Bad / Heizung Sanitär / Abverkauf / Schichten kälterer Luft / Albtraumschiff / Extrawurst / TobmodellsTo the overlong title, at least this much: Tilo Riedel is on all kinds of stages, including language. It is in this very domain that he has even won... | 27 Nov-15 Jan | read more |
Welt am DrahtAn exhibition with works by Ursula Döbereiner. | 7 Nov-5 Dec | read more | |
KNUT ECKSTEINAn exhibition with works by KNUT ECKSTEIN | 12 Sep-10 Oct | read more | |
reverbAn exhibition with works by Tom Früchtl. | 13 Jun-11 Jul | read more | |
National MonumentsIsidore Hibou: On every picture, i couldn't stop thinking about the way these houses lived before : birthdays of the children, domestic rows, love... | 9 May-30 May | read more |
targetsAn exhibition with works by Francis Zeischegg. | 6 Dec-3 Jan | read more | |
Time Lines / Myriam El HaïkTime runs - and runs off. For so long that it resists meaning. That can be frightening. El Haïk's repetitive lining up of signs measures time - as... | 27 Sep-25 Oct | read more | |
Neue BilderAn exhibition with works by Ulla Hahn. | 30 Aug-20 Sep | read more | |
imprinting - Martin Pfahler | 10 May-7 Jun | read more | |
White Balance - Barbara WilleWhite balance is what you set in the camera, so that a white wall in a photo actually appears white. Usually that does happen. The white wall takes... | 14 Apr-11 May | read more |
Miguel Angel Fernandez | 23 Nov-21 Dec | read more | |
Same Same But DifferentNetworks of twine traverse the room. The room flimmers and makes you dizzy if you move too fast. Drawings on the walls. Simple structures, grids and... | 19 Oct-9 Nov | read more | |
WYSYHYG | Christel FetzerWYSYHYG (what you see you hope you get) The new works of Christel Fetzer might give you hope, but what you finally get…we don`t know. | 17 Aug-14 Sep | read more | |
FINISSAGE and MOVIE NIGHTat the end of KNUT ECKSTEIN | 'oblique lines and fractured light' we show 2 Movies: John Cage | documentation and music and Fugazi | Instrument :... | 22 Jun-22 Jun | read more | |
KNUT ECKSTEIN | 18 May-15 Jun | read more | |
White BalanceBarbara Wille | 13 Apr-11 May | read more |