Today, the aesthetic endeavor has taken on the shape of the ‚project‘. However, this intrinsic logic is being concealed by common exhibition formats, which only present finished objects. Therefore STATE OF THE ART sets out to explore the Projektfoermigkeit of the arts by drawing on the creative, communicative and synergetic potential which lies in the Unfinished. STATE OF THE ART vouches for a curatorial approach that breaks away from the convention of displaying art as isolated, autonomous and self-contained object, in favor of a participatory, dialogical and open approach. STATE OF THE ART stages situations and discussions. It is a place for time based art formats which transcend the limits of the exhibition space. We invite artists for keynote presentations, screenings and performances.. The Presentation is followed by a discussion hosted by a guest theorist/ philosopher/ poet. We want to provide a place for encounters between artists, theorists, the audience and across disciplines, in order to nourish dialogue and to create opportunities for collaborations.