The non-profit association 2o46 e.V. has existed since January 2010 and has been running the TEILE project space on the top floor of a former factory in Tempelhof since 2016. TEILE is 120 square meters and has an adjacent, area of around 230 square meters and currently houses studios for 27 artists, a mobile ceramic workshop and a roof garden. An integral goal of the association is to create affordable studio space for artists in precarious living situations in a constantly changing Berlin and at the same time to maintain a participatory project space supported by all members in solidarity. Our program is based on the following principles: The TEILE project space sees itself as a place of multiple possibilities, where the focus is on trying out things according to the trial and error principle. Instead of relying on the dominance of a singular curatorial handwriting, we rely on collectively generated developments. Through constant collaboration with other collectives and groups, we create a place where we negotiate different ideas about art and explore the contact between art, activism, non-institutional education and care work. We succeed in this through the resolute openness towards ideas and project proposals of all members and other groups and collectives in our orbit. The room is therefore not only used by the 27 members of the association, but also by a large number of friends, allied and widely scattered artists. In this way, we reproduce as few art-world-exclusions as possible and create a place where different views, practices, tastes and attitudes come together. Depending on the resources, the responsibilities rotate and so there are more spontaneous opportunities to take initiative. In addition to thematically wide-ranging exhibitions, TEILE also hosts readings, planning meetings, solidarity events, artists' dinners, workshops, networking meetings and community gardening and pottery.