Fluctuating Images
Interface between art and science: fluctuating images. contemporary media art is intended as a platform for the presentation of works of art as well as for reflection on art. The aesthetic reflection on mediality shall be supplemented by scientific analysis in collaboration with scientific institutions in order to create an interface between art and science. The interface between art and science has been rather neglected in Germany until now, even though projects based on this concept such as Artist-Research-Programmes are common practice in the international context.
fluctuating images. contemporary media art also wants to establish a regular intercourse between international and regional artistic productions, for example by combining local and international artistic production in group-exhibitions. Accordingly, the gallery is going to be closely associated with the local Stuttgart art scene and its activities will also give the local art scene the chance to get directly in touch with international artists.
A broader public shall be reached through programmes such as presentations, discussions with artists and guided tours open to the public. As a forum and interface between aesthetic and scientific reflection fluctuating images. contemporary media art is not only a platform for specialists but also wants to make current discussions accessible to the interested public through activities such as conferences or workshops.
Fluctuating Images