
The Bpigs Diaries offer a peek under the art market hood; what are the power dynamics, access and gatekeeping, and the current tension holders. Let's discuss!


An Apéritif

So what has been going on? Berlin Art Week is getting ready for its second edition. It got bigger, better and if possible... Berlin_er! The 10 main institution partners, abc and Preview art fairs are now joined by ten temporary partners, chosen by...read more

Have You Met... Praxes

In a two-floor 200m2 of the former church complex St.Agnes an exciting new art space opens its doors on 31st of August. PRAXES is a not-for-profit venue for international contemporary art and research founded and directed by Rhea Dall and Kristine...read more

Tips 28.08 - 31.08

Jutta Koether (31.08 @ PRAXES) Prepare your artiest outfits for this week of one opening after another, and make sure you save the finest one for Saturday when Berlin art scene becomes richer for a great new project space. WEDNESDAY 28.08 19.00...read more

What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 23.08 - 25.08

FRIDAY 23.08 Sabine Fassl @ Scotty Enterprises The weirdest of shapes in nature met for a show... ...as if the artist visited another planet and brought us alien plants samples. The space felt very much alive, breathing and photosynthesising. New...read more

Tips 21.08 - 25.08

René Luckhardt (Friday 23.08 @ Autocenter) Heads up, Berlin! Warm lazy summer is already behind us but it also means that an exciting new start is just around the corner. Get ready for an eventful art season with our growing list of tips. THURSDAY...read more

Tips 14.08 - 18.08

Meret Oppenheim (16.08 @ Martin-Gropius-Bau) Art, music, dance and everything in between. Challenge your curiosity with our somewhat mysterious, esoteric and surreal weekly tips. WEDNESDAY 14.08 20.30 Molly Nilsson @ Naherholung Sternchen WHY: So...read more

What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 08.08 - 10.08

THURSDAY 08.08 Transartfest - Ensemble Xenon @ Supermarkt It is not a good idea to come late to an alternative music performance where audience become a part of it because in this case you won´t, and maybe (my case) you will not understand and...read more

Tips 07.08 - 10.08

janitor.tv (10.08 @ Chesters) Art is on vacation and music apparently very busy. Since the concert offer is doing so well these days we don´t really mind; we are happily sharing the best of both worlds. WEDNESDAY 07.08 18.00 Transartfest – Summer...read more

What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 01.08 - 03.08

THURSDAY 01.08 Bárbara Fonseca - "In Summer No One Dies" @ idrawalot Although twisted and weirded, the show is still an eyecandy. Bizzare illustrations make you go "aww" and "haha", while the small-scale recreation of the beach invites you to sit...read more

Tips 31.07 - 04.08

Go Itami (Friday 02.08 @ Motto) Longing for holidays far away from concrete and steel? Our advice is to surround yourself with best of Berlin: art, music, good food and nice things. Take a look at our tips and you may find out that beaches are...read more

What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 25.07 - 27.07

THURSDAY 25.07 Berlin A tonal @ Kraftwerk This new old festival really couldn't go wrong with the combination of an amazing location and a great lineup, and it even surpassed the high expectations. When I first felt that impressive wall of sound...read more

Tips 24.07 - 28.07

Ralf Baecker (Saturday 27.07 @ LEAP) A rewarding week of events for those who stick to Berlin - openings, performances, parties and discussions, as well as an exciting program within the resurrected legendary Berlin Atonal festival. WEDNESDAY 24...read more

What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 19.07 - 20.07

FRIDAY 19.07 Martin Gross - "Rutur" @ Feldbuschwiesner You had to be incurably cynical by default to discard the effort that was obviously put into these drawings. All graphite/pencil on paper, and all made up completely. Although it appropriates...read more

Tips 19.07 - 21.07

Martin Gross (19.07 @ Feldbuschwiesner) With so many summer parties going on we couldn't resist to bring you our own choice for this week. Enjoy our tips modestly or the hedonist way; almost all of them offer the opportunity for both. FRIDAY 19.07...read more
Maureen Jeram, Parasite @Ozean

What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 11.07 - 13.07

WEDNESDAY 10.07 Parasite @OZEAN Øystein Aasan - David Edward Allen - Viktoria Binschtok Max Frisinger - Franziska Furter - Aubrey Heichemer Maureen Jeram - Joyce Kim - Antonia Low - Caitlin Masley Florian Neufeldt - Alex Schweder artist Maureen...read more

Speed Portfolio Viewing IV _ feedback

Yes, we did! Curators on the left, artists on the right. We asked the artists participating at the 4th Speed Portfolio Viewing to send us their feedback in following questions. 1. How did you go about preparing your presentation beforehand and then...read more
2012, Cool Things, acrylic, string, pencil on canvas, 260 x 195cm

Cyrus at the Speed Portfolio Viewing

We asked Cyrus Smith, the young Canadian Artist we have followed through his Kunsthalle Waiting line - Dante macht Kunst - to describe his experience at the Speed Portfolio Viewing event last Sunday. Here it goes: Cyrus Smith and Lily Khositashvii...read more

Tips 10.07 - 13.07

Martin Skauen (performance on 13.07 @ Chert) Infinite, fetishist, historical, scientifical, hilarious, flashy and surreal. Follow our tips repertoire for a megamix of events. WEDNESDAY 10.07 19.00 Parasite @ OZEAN WHY. "The more, the merrier"...read more

What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 04.07 - 07.07

THURSDAY 04.07 Episode 2: Sabotage @ insitu Sabotage awaited immediately at the entrance - a huge orange ball blocking the entrance caused some confusion (+13), until we realized the entrance is through the window, down the ladder. The rest of the...read more

Tips 04.07 - 07.07

Many of the galleries proclaimed summer break these days, but it didn't affect the exhibition offer that much - we're still bringing you the best of, and not whatever is left. This week we're proud of our tips being perfectly scheduled. Take our...read more

What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 27.06 - 30.06

THURSDAY 27.06 Nicolás Robbio - Every Body Knows @ invaliden1 A simple, lovely and subtly humorous show. Or at least I saw it that way, while it actually cites some paragraph on ancient Greeks, Newton, the universe, quantum physics... (A)...read more

How to Find a Gallery

A few success story-lines I run after him screaming.“I am not a cop! I am not a cop! It took me a while to convince him to come in the gallery. A few weeks later I got him in a group show. People loved it!…First Time he ever sold art… He is...read more

Tips 26.06 - 29.06

Image from "Hyperborea" by Anton Ginzburg @ Recontres Internationales, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (25.06 - 30.06) This week we prefer diversity, and hope you do too. Our tips include lots of (free!) films and musical performances, as well as...read more

What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 19.06-22.06

WEDNESDAY 19.06 Thomas Kilpper Resist! - Oder let it be! @ Galerie Nagel Draxler Angela Merkel, Leni Riefenstahl, Uli Hoeneß and Pussy Riot in the same room - not in a politically themed joke but portrayed on car pieces referring to the German...read more

Artists and other Animals

Maybe it was the alcohol, the lack of sleep, the constant flying or the fact that I kept bumping into Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev in Venice. While landing in Zurich last week I heard cows (the sound of cows: muuuuh). Twenty hours later it happened...read more
