What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 19.07 - 20.07
What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 19.07 - 20.07

FRIDAY 19.07
Martin Gross - "Rutur" @ Feldbuschwiesner
You had to be incurably cynical by default to discard the effort that was obviously put into these drawings. All graphite/pencil on paper, and all made up completely. Although it appropriates the cold, clean and accurate appearance of architectural drawing, these works are in fact an imaginative play. I found it very amusing (now I regret not taking a photo) to see an above-average amount of people dressed completely in black - I wonder if they dressed up for this particular occasion and followed the architectural all-black stereotype, or maybe even came there because it fits their appearance... Who knows, I'm probably digressing too much. They were stylish nevertheless. All in all, one very Mitte-style opening.
Relevante Musik - Festival politischer Medienkunst, Performance und Musik @ Villa Elisabeth
To begin with, +20 for me getting in for free! Although I am willing to split those points with the guy at the entrance who probably thought I'm the real press (ha ha!).
I would also give a seriously high amount of points for the concept of the festival and the artwork seen and heard there.
An interesting (mostly audio) installation by Marco Montiel Soto that takes the whole room and investigates a whole lot of topics in this one versatile piece. I would only block the daylight for a more intense experience - it was almost creepy, and I would rather have it creepy as hell.
The 4 acts at the opening concert were all completely different and very emotional. Each focused on a disturbing topic, and really made an impression on all of us in the audience. The room had a seriously unpromising church vibe; at the beginning I already started to contemplate the possibility of yawning myself to death, but in the end I got goosebumps and watery eyes instead.
Toby Goodshank - "M" @ Bootsbau
The joke was obviously on Berlin in this amusing show by an almost famous indie band member. Everybody seemed to enjoy the very nice atmosphere at the opening, and from what I heard (for I was late of course) it was moslty due to nice musical performances by the artist and Susie Asado. I only got to hear some of the latter, but only from a distance. It was too nice outside to spoil it with trying to get in the overcrowded gallery.
+ 10 for the group hug!