What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 27.06 - 30.06
What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 27.06 - 30.06

Nicolás Robbio - Every Body Knows @ invaliden1
A simple, lovely and subtly humorous show. Or at least I saw it that way, while it actually cites some paragraph on ancient Greeks, Newton, the universe, quantum physics... (A)
RELEGATION : Catherine Lorent @Bar Babette
Presentation of the Luxembourg participation at the Venice Biennal
Catherine Lorent & Nataša Gehl
I find myself more and more drawn to Bar Babette this summer, which despite its strict policy of moody bar staff and drinks inisde/smoke outside/music upstairs has a lovely light and atmosphere. Especially during this event, where Catherine's light aura and music melted with the sun setting and some kind of fashion photo shooting outside on the Karl Marx Allee. People danced for a moment there... + 10 (D)
The later set with Martin Eder was so short you would have missed it if you went to the toilet. I am kind of glad I didn't. (D)
FRIDAY 28.06
Amalia Pica - Low Visibility @ Johann König, Berlin
Unfortunately I missed the actual performance, but I guess these guys got it kind of right (+10). The playground-like show was pretty inspiring for such actions. I'm still curious about the original act, and luckily we get to see it every Saturday at 14:30 during the show, and/or try it for ourselves. (A)
Computing the Physical @ LEAP
The wonders of technology... It's always more impressive when the artwork features some. There were only few pieces, but each had some tricky part that makes you go wow before you even think about it. (A)
+7 for a cool twist on Dürer
Haha & -10 for DHL!
Clémence de La Tour du Pin - Brand, Nature and Teamwork @ L'atelier kunst(spiel)raum
As I pulled out the camera to take a picture or two, I was told that it is really hard (in other words pointless) to photograph the works. There's nothing that much different in the visual part from an average exhibition these days, but the thing is, the show was actually heavily relying on the olfactory perception - you are supposed to go there and see the show by smelling rather than looking. The smell kind of reminds of designer shops that try too hard to leave a lasting impression. Kind of a shallow impression from my side (minuses for me, I guess), regarding the complex relations it refers to. (A)
Buy Art By Artists @KWADRAT
I don't think many missed this show in Kwadrat and not just because of the popularity of it's curator Gregor Hildebrandt. Not many of us would want to miss the opportunity to turn the tables and see/comment/ lets face it: make a little bit fun of what (succesful) gallerists do or did as artists way back when. Exactly. Buy Art by Artists ( +20 for this title by the way) hosts works of former artists now gallerists or in rare cases vice versa. There was not much to gawk about though as most work was above average and well installed. Javier Peres obsession with actor River Phoenix was well lived out in Berlin, nothing new there. Croy's raw humor on the other hand was an interesting discovery as was the fact that Alexander Schröder's "somehow weird" as a person/gallerist can be found in his work too. Too bad Buchholz's work "was kept in customs" ... (D)
Martin Kwade poses in front of a work by Andreas Koch - a photograph taken on the last day of the Art Forum supposedly. The photograph is so clear you can recognize people in it, Martin tells us, Ralf Ziervogel for example is somewhere in there! We don't know about Art Forum, but Martin has certainly not chosen "the Ashkarte" in this town...