Tips 26.06 - 29.06
Tips 26.06 - 29.06

Image from "Hyperborea" by Anton Ginzburg @ Recontres Internationales, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (25.06 - 30.06)
This week we prefer diversity, and hope you do too. Our tips include lots of (free!) films and musical performances, as well as workshops, exhibition openings and a clubbing tip for the adventurous.
17.00 Recontres Internationales @ Haus der Kulturen der Welt
WHY: Rencontres Internationales is a unique platform in Europe that presents the latest works by filmmakers and artists in an exchange between three cities: Paris, Madrid and Berlin. HKW is the third stop for showing an international selection of 150 unreleased works of contemporary audio-visual art from France, Germany, Spain and 40 other countries. In a series of screenings, workshops and a forum that last until Sunday, artists, audiences and experts can meet for an exchange of new practices in contemporary audio-visual creativity.
Haus der Kulturen der Welt / John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, 10557 Berlin, S Hauptbahnhof / free entry / more info
19.00 Nicolás Robbio – Every Body Knows @ invaliden1
WHY: invaliden1 Galerie presents the third exhibition of the São Paulo based Argentinian artist Nicolas Robbio. The artist's work seeks to bring new meanings to the structure of ordinary objects; schemes, outlines and empty spaces form an endless repertoire of “notes on everyday objects”. Robbio’s notepads are sequences of drawings, generally composed by simple lines, superposition of transparencies and schematic cuts of object. Their complexity lay in the endless attempt of building more with less.
invaliden1 / Schönleinstraße 25, Berlin 10967, U8 Schönleinstraße / show open through 31.07 / free entry / more info
19.00 Day Trip at Night: an evening with Pampero Colectivo & Berlin Art Prize @ Aqua Carré Berlin
WHY: The newly established Berlin Art Prize gave out the awards last week and opened the exhibition showing all the shortlisted artists. If you haven't already seen it, we recommend to visit the place during this event hosted by Pampero Colectivo, with musical and artistic performances by Arises, The Harmony Philharmonica, John Holten, Henrich Jelinek, Trevor Lee Larson, Hanne Lippard and Mirror Talk. The facebook event suggestively warns about the rumours of a taco truck also being present.
Aqua Carré Berlin / Lobeckstr. 30-35, Berlin, U8 Moritzplatz / show open through 29.07/ free entry / more info
20.00 FEED 062713: NOCTURNE / Stephan Mathieu, BJ Nilsen, Philip Marshall @ KW
WHY: As a part of the brand-new collaboration between FEED and KW, a new event series continues this Thursday with an evening called "Nocturne", featuring performances by Stephan Mathieu, BJ Nilsen and DJ set by Phillip Marshall. Stephan Mathieu will present his work composed for a real-time processed Electronium, an early analog synthesizer in the shape of an accordion. BJ Nilsen will perform The Eye of the Microphone based exclusively on sound and field recordings made in London. The successful first FEED event last month can be taken as a guarantee that this initiative not only looks good on the paper, but is also a worthy experience both for the experimental music community and the usual art audience.
KW / Auguststrasse 69, 10117 Berlin, U8 Rosenthaler Platz / 10€ / more info
22.00 Urban Mutations + ¥oin & Zubuntu @ Paloma
WHY: This week Urban Mutations, a DJ collective appreciated for bringing creativity and diversity to the mainly techno-driven Berlin scene, hosts ¥oin and Zubuntu, two young producers from Aberdeen. What they offer is bass music, and you get to dance all night, almost for free. Sounds like an obvious Thursday night choice for an audience that goes for a fresh mixture of styles.
Paloma / Skalitzer Strasse 135, 10999 Berlin, U1/U8 Kottbusser Tor/ 1€ / more info
FRIDAY 28.06
18.00 Low Visibility - Amalia Pica @ Johann König, Berlin
WHY: Amalia Pica’s solo show Low Visibility presents a body of new works including sculptures and paper works as well as a performance. She continues her exploration of ways to express messages and convey meanings, whether it is spoken or visual, human or mechanical language. Her work focuses on politics in the most encompassing terms: how we live together, communicate and understand (or not) each other. On the opening night there will also be a performance at 19.30, or if you miss that one, you will still have the chance to see it on Saturdays at 14.30.
Johann König, Berlin / Dessauer Strasse 6-7, Berlin 10963, U Potsdamer Platz / show open through 27.07 / free entry / more info
20.00 Computing the Physical @ LEAP
WHY: The exhibiton Computing the Physical features artists Pablo Garcia, Martin Hesselmeier, Markus Kison and Niklas Roy. It shows the study of images between their digital and analogue expressions. Through the use of natural forces such as rotation, weight, pressure, pull, magnetism, reflection, etc., different categories of expanded animation are being presented. Some of the works are concerned with the tracing and the abstraction of surfaces, going from two-dimensional space of a drawing to the surface through three dimensional representation. It is a play on shapes and speed, which brings on a hypnotic effect.
LEAP / Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 13, Berlin 10178, S & U Alexanderplatz / show open through 06.07 / free entry (donations welcome) / more info
19.00 Clémence de La Tour du Pin - 'Brand, Nature and Teamwork' @ L'atelier kunst(spiel)raum
WHY: Brand, Nature and Teamwork aims to question our paradoxical relationship with both nature and culture. On the one hand, confronted with the production of artefacts within a post-industrial context, and on the other hand, examined from an anthropological angle in relation to their more primitive dimensions. The exhibition decodes and reconfigures a series of residual components - natural, synthetic and technological - underlying our specific relation to nature and culture, and in particular, nature and technology. The olfactive sense can be treated as a base, where smell is perceived as a trace of our more animal condition, with regards to the expansion of the digital environment and new technologies.
L'atelier kunst(spiel)raum / Grossbeerenstrasse 34, 10965 Berlin, U6/U7 Mehringdamm / show open through 23.07 / free entry / more info