What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 23.08 - 25.08
What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 23.08 - 25.08

FRIDAY 23.08
Sabine Fassl @ Scotty Enterprises
The weirdest of shapes in nature met for a show...
...as if the artist visited another planet and brought us alien plants samples. The space felt very much alive, breathing and photosynthesising.
New Atlantis @ Km Temporaer
This was one crowded opening; it seemed like nobody wanted to miss it. I guess it´s probably that time of the year, when people are more likely to show up at such events, all tanned and fresh and bored with vacation.
It was also quite an interesting compilation of artworks. Glass pipes filled with trash and worms stole the attention for being disgusting but kind of pretty; it really invited the voyeurist eye to explore what is in there.
Odyssey of the Lovers: Islaja + Perera Elsewhere @ Mindpirates
For this two week long program ("Oddysey of the Lovers") Mindpirates turned into a twisted sanctuary showing documentation of all the weird stuff that happended on a drug enhanced journey (which was in fact a musical performance of some sort). The concerts on Saturday were right up that alley, especially Islaja with her tipically untipical music and the way of performing it. If we call it pretentious, then Perera Elsewhere is overly unpretentious. The two of them should team up I think, and make a likeable pretentious monster -> hit guaranteed.
SUNDAY 25.08
Death # Disco - Umrijeti Za Strojem + Svart1 @ King Kong Klub
All black and gothy, it was more of a Death than Disco themed event. I could easily imagine this show happening in Berghain on a Saturday night when cool meets kinky; certainly more easily than on Sunday evening in this intimate-sized club with sofas and hungover group of organisers, friends and confused tourists on a pub crawl. Aside from the time&place circumstances that didn´t do justice to the concert, the music was great - half expected, half a surprise.