
The Bpigs Diaries offer a peek under the art market hood; what are the power dynamics, access and gatekeeping, and the current tension holders. Let's discuss!


After Gallery Weekend Berlin is Before the Gallery Weekend Berlin

After Gallery Weekend Berlin is Before the Gallery Weekend Berlin. There are a lot of labor issues we gloss over in the art world, in the name of … well, admit it, the minute I said “labor,” you felt your art world pizzaz deflate. It is like...read more

Dreams of Gallery Weekend

Let's start from the end, shall we? No better way to end your Gallery Weekend ahm week than Miss Read Book Festival 2022 LIVE. IN. BERLIN. AGAIN. 300+ publishers, art periodicals and artists/authors on show and, in conjunction, the Conceptual...read more

Venice Survival Guide Covid edition

Anyone who is anyone will be in Venice this year, because it has been two years god dammit and we are all gonna die soon. But not everyone can speak Italian. We are here to help, capturing the Zeitgeist and having our Italian co workers translate...read more

The Milk of Dreams

Among cultural bans, Covid, and a very prominent national pavilion standing empty, the Venice Biennale is opening this week! Conceived by the first Italian (!) curator Cecilia Alemani who made sure, comme il faut, an overwhelming majority of the...read more

on cultural bans

And here I thought we should be discussing a transition from the feudal, redundant snooze fest of state funding that procures the so-called National Pavillions every two years at the otherwise lovely Bienalle Jardini. But no, let's bring the...read more

Art in Times of War

What can art do in times of war you say? Build street barricades! Also, I think I found a use for Schmerlings-Venet's rusty nudels. Victoria Pidust @victoriapidust and Volo Bevza @volobevza found themselves stuck in Ukraine after they went for a...read more


BERLIN! THIS IS THE TIME TO STEP UP. The more unofficial help Ukraine can get, the better, so this doesn't end up into a governments pissing war and we all go down in flames. Three ways to help. 1. Drive supplies to the Polish borders: If you have...read more

Nein.Ohne Danke

So… after two years of Covid; isolation, fear, loss and collective trauma we moved right to Putin is a bad bad boy but hey Ukrainians are white let's not kill them all, world war three vibes? Good Good. Berlin you are beautiful protesting for...read more

Diversity United?

I don't know how I missed making fun of this title earlier, (embarrassing even if you set the whole Kunsthalle public funds fiasco aside) I am losing my edge. “Diversity United” is both a tautology and an antithesis. The kind of cringy nonsense...read more

Why boycott the ‘Kunsthalle Berlin’? - an open letter

If you’ve been sitting on the fence when it comes to whether to boycott the new ‘Kunsthalle Berlin’ or not (I personally prefer to call it the ‘Kunsthalle Smerling’), you may find Niklas Maak’s article in yesterday’s FAZ…read more
Lerato Shadi, Maropeng

Berliner Kunsthalle, Kunsthalle for Berlin?

OPENING WED FEB 2ND, 18H GALERIE IM TURM: LERATO SHADI, MAROPENG with DJ-set by Robert Machiri The title Maropeng comes from the Setswana saying »Maropeng go a boelwa go sa boelweng ke teng«. In Setswana, Maropeng means »returning to the place of...read more
by Eva Dietrich

Tips This Week

Be kind to yourself every day and twice in January or is this not the saying?! Would you rather find storage space for your works or would you rather give them off to an oblique art foundation based in the Cayman islands? Hm. For me, it is a toss...read more
TOKYO by Gerry Johansson - part of the current exhibition GERRY JOHANSSON AND JOHAN RÖING | PHOTOGRA

January is the longest month of the year

January usually feels like the longest month of the year. With a holiday hangover, another round of questionable family memories under our belly, presents we wanted but do not quite need, and the inherent uncertainty of new beginnings ( even if...read more


Holiday Gift Ideas

SHOP SHOP SHOP A newsletter with Gift Suggestions, you say? Yes please! Do not Panic, test frequently and support your local artists. Every gallery who respects themselves has a web shop by now and a lot of artists sell from their Instas too (...read more
Pictured: Elina Brotherus, My dog is cuter than your ugly baby, 2013, 80 x 53 cm

Mein Hund ist süßer als dein hässliches Baby

Are Mother shows the new Women shows?! Can't believe I missed this trend. I saw this work yesterday ( thanks to Camille Henrot and her Milkyway series) and it has stayed with me. It's called my dog is cuter than your ugly Baby" from Elina...read more


Here is a short version of a long story on reducing an artworks carbon footprint while still making (most) of the deadlines. From Andreas Greiner: " In July 2021 I decided to re-produce the AI-Video-Work 'Abschied' (Harz) for an exhibition in...read more


Well, well well… last time I heard about Mike Ruiz he was operating a project space out of his Kreuzberg living room, back when Aids3d was a thing and now he has opened a space in NY with partly embezzled moneys? Allegedly. Ha. Isn't he an artist...read more


Get your phone down to Tempelhofer Feld starting tomorrow Nov 4th to experience Nancy's Baker Cahill "Legacy"- presented by @synthesis.gallery, originally commissioned by SXSW, and generously supported by the US Embassy in Berlin and is authorized...read more


°THE FUTURE IS AFRICA° STARTS THIS WEEK 27 OCT – 4 NOV AT BABYLON MITTE. African Film Festival for Children and Youth with a program of 27 short and feature films that tell their stories mostly from the perspective of children and young people...read more


@karolinadrei @krystyna_3t @a.t.machine STARTING WED OCT 20TH 18-21H @DISTRICT_BERLIN: KAUFHAUS DER WORKING CLASS DAUGHTERS , a performative installation with artists/organisers: Karolina Dreit, Kristina Dreit, and Anna Trzpis-McLean working class...read more
Meme by Martin Skauen, updated by me

Manual of Gallery Artist relationships

On the occasion of another friend getting screwed over by their gallery at the tender age of We Should Know Better, here is a long overdue post on walking that thin, thin line between social niceties, handshake deals, and well, labor law. First of...read more


“Women Without Mobile Phones” opens Friday Oct 8th at 18h @grzegorzki_shows a show by the brilliant author Johanna Adorjan @johannaadorjan runs until 27 Nov 2021 GRZEGORZKI SHOWS Prinzenallee 78-79 13357 Berlin BOOK YOUR SLPOT! Friday Oct 8th at...read more


What can we say about the election results, and/or Merkel's 16 year reign except… it could have been way worse. Linksruck? Germans, you guys are so cute. THURSDAY SEPT 30TH 19H CEREMONY- CURATORS TOUR IN DIALOG Curator Yulia Belousova and Volker...read more
Kate Pincus-Whitney solo exhibition "Paradise à la carte" at GNYP


For example: Kate Pincus-Whitney solo exhibition "Paradise à la carte" at GNYP runs until Oct 2. Dive in! The tenth edition of @berlinartweek is over, everyone is off to Basel or under a weight blanket. Klaus is already in da Stadt. So what is...read more
Soothsayers Jullian Charriere, image courtesy the artist


'Soothsayers' Jullian Charriere opening at Dittrich & Schlectriem Sept 15th. Needless to say this is a Do Not Miss. Image courtesy the artist. Happy 10 year birthday to @dittrichschlechtriem __The gallery opened back in September 2011 with...read more
