Art in Times of War
Art in Times of War

What can art do in times of war you say? Build street barricades! Also, I think I found a use for Schmerlings-Venet's rusty nudels. Victoria Pidust @victoriapidust and Volo Bevza @volobevza found themselves stuck in Ukraine after they went for a show in Kyiv on Feb 20th. Volo ( as all Ukrainian men between 18 and 65) is no longer allowed to leave Ukraine. Vici has decided to stay with him. Both are currently staying in Lviv, from where they are building street barricades and tank hedgehogs together with artist friends, welders and engineers in the third largest bronze workshop in the former Soviet Union. Their Berlin Gallery @galeriejudithandreae started a fundraiser to help them with material- find details here
You have been asking me for a donation link to help Ukraine from someone I know personally.
Here it is. Matthias Birkholz from SMAC Berlin on Linienstraße ( dont you love it when galleries are cool!) did THE MOST during the Syrian refugee crisis ( as a lawyer and a host) and is now back at it!!! He is driving every weekend to the Polish borders bringing supplies and getting people who need to out - Let's help him out, shall we? He has now ordered a massive shipment of bandages and medical equipment and is on his way to distribute it as we speak. Help him do the MOST. Any amount helps. Donate here
Also, it is my personal, obviously unscientific, non expert opinion that the more unofficial help Ukraine can get ( from us) and the longer they can hold the F*** on to their country the better chances we all have to survive and resolve this sooner rather than later. Helping out at this point is not only a humanitarian issue, it is a matter of self preservation. Germany is buying bomber jets by the way.
Tomorrow Wed, 16 Mar, 15 – 17h Workshop WORKSHOP IN SIMPLE LANGUAGE: OLD HISTORY?
with the F3_Kollektiv - as part of the MAROPENG solo show by Lerato Shadi
to register for the workshop please call Evelyn: 0176 50671595.
Galerie im Turm
Frankfurter Tor 1
10243 Berlin
THU March 17th, 18-19:15h BLACKING OUT THE CANON at thxagain as part of OPEN ENCOUNTERS
with Abdullah Qureshi, Tasnim Bagdadi, Sara Khan, Syowia Kyambi, Natasha Jozi and Gloria Zein
When Tasnim Baghdadi is “blacking out the canon” she questions hegemonial modes of thinking and canonic knowledge productions in art history, philosophy and religion. Her artistic practice subverts western modernisms through a re-appropriation of abstraction. In her conversation with Abdullah, both theorists will discuss disruptions of colonial continuities through knowledge as well as find out about the invisible, forgotten, folded and yet hidden aspects of artistic truth.
MARCH 19, 6 pm - 6.45 pm
Sara Khan was raised in Lahore (even though born in Birmingham) and adds a female gaze on the patriachal system in Pakistan - and beyond. In that formal, painterly conversation, they find beauty in mythology, visual symbolism and magical realism.
until 23 Apr 2022
thx again
Frobenstr. 1
10783 Berlin
On display on palettes, pedestals, shelves, and wall frames are various ceramic artworks produced at HB-Werkstätten für Keramik in Marwitz, Brandenburg, Germany. The cups, busts, vessels, and assemblages in the exhibition engage with systems of value and evaluation in art and society. The title itself, B-Ware (German for second-rate), critiques industrial production and economic and social systems, as well as Hoosen’s self-perception as an artist and misfit.
18 Mar 2022 – 16 Apr 2022
Linienstraße 23
10178 Berlin
Opening Sat March 19, 19h at Scotty Space LIFELINIEN
group show with Carris Adams, Yesenia Bello, Knut Eckstein, Óscar González Díaz, Unyimeabasi Udoh, and Nicole Wendel. Curated by Holly Cahill and Debra Kayes of Tiger Strikes Asteroid Chicago
SCOTTY is pleased to present LifeLinien, an exhibition organized by Tiger Strikes Asteroid Chicago that brings into conversation artists from Chicago and Berlin as part of Meanwhile, We Are Here, the first iteration of a two-part, cross-cultural exchange between the US Tiger Strikes Asteroid network and various artist-run spaces in Berlin including HAUNT/Frontviews, Horse & Pony, HilbertRaum, Schau Fenster, SCOTTY, Xanadu and nationalmuseum
Special website for the show: LifeLinien--SCOTTY, Berlin and Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Chicago
19 Mar 2022 – 30 Apr 2022
Oranienstr. 46
10969 Berlin
Berlin Art Prize 2022- deadline March 22 at midnight.
After two years of pandemic pause, the Berlin Art Prize is back and asking: what's happening with contemporary art in the city? All Berlin-based artists are invited to apply through March 22, 2022. A five-member jury will select nine nominees using an almost entirely anonymous process. The nominees will be invited to produce solo exhibitions in one of nine project spaces.The exhibitions will be on public view concurrently for six weeks this fall. A supporting educational program of readings, performances, discussions, and workshops connects the art with contemporary discourse in Berlin.
Over the past two years, the Berlin Art Prize e.V. – in collaboration with studio Yil & Mann – developed an anonymous application app which automatically anonymizes all submissions. We’ve also launched a website documenting our last six years at As each future prizes ends, it will join this highly searchable archive. This page contains not only six years of nominees, events, jury, catalog contributions, trophies, team, locations, partners, and press, it also serves as an overview of the last decade of cultural production in Berlin. for more information to apply for archive
Deadline: March 22, 2022
Exhibitions and events opening: Friday, September 2, 2022
€€€: All nominated artists receive a 1900€ honorarium and the coverage of production costs
JURY: Candice Breitz (Künstlerin), Anna Ehrenstein (Künstlerin), Alya Sebti (Kuratorin), Sinthujan Varatharajah (Forscher:in), Amelie von Wulffen (Künstlerin)
PROJECT SPACES: ACUD Galerie, Blake & Vargas, Centrum, Die Möglichkeit einer Insel, LAGE EGAL, Peles Empire, Scherben, Spoiler Zone
LOCALIZE OVER THE HUMP festival for city, culture and art in Potsdam
Artists and cultural practitioners are invited to develop site-specific works dealing with the (im/)possibilities and practices of overcoming and posing questions about how current challenges can be met artistically.
July 15 – 17, 2022
At Telegrafenberg, Michendorfer Chaussee 10
Project spaces and initiatives without a permanent space are invited to apply for the sixth edition of the Project Space Festival Berlin, which will take place from 1 - 31 August 2022.
Deadline: Monday, April 04, 2022 at midnight
Each of the selected 30 project spaces or initiatives will have a maximum of 24 hours to present an event (exhibition/performance/reading/screening, etc.) either in their own space, in public space, or in a space of their choice. It is possible to apply with a longer lasting exhibition, that has already been planned, but the opening must happen within the Project Space Festival. More details and apply
Anna Bromley (artist and writer), Amelie Jakubek (organizer / (collective) artistic researcher), Imke Kannegießer (artistic director & executive director Kunstverein Reutlingen), Zoë Claire Miller (artist), Max Pitegoff (artist)