Nein.Ohne Danke
Nein.Ohne Danke

So… after two years of Covid; isolation, fear, loss and collective trauma we moved right to Putin is a bad bad boy but hey Ukrainians are white let's not kill them all, world war three vibes? Good Good.
Berlin you are beautiful protesting for peace. While Putin is an obvious (almost cartoon like) villain here, let's not loose focus of the shared responsibility of the German (Europeans) and American governments to put an immediate end to this senseless escalation. No war is acceptable. Ever. This a link tree with ways to offer and accept help ( in Ukrainian too)
THURSDAY MARCH 3RD 18-22H OPENING + BOOK LAUNCH WITH NAIMA EDITIONS at : Architecture is frozen music by Laure Catugier @laure_catugier
Sound performance with Marie Takahashi
Artist Talk - Saturday, 02. April, 15 - 16 hr
03. March - 07. May
Florastr. 61, 13187 Berlin
Image: Laure Catugier
Linda Havenstein will be in conversation with Prof. Dr. Fabian Schäfer and curator Sandra Teitge about her solo exhibition 'In Tongues'. The talk will take place mostly in German.
Potsdamer Strasse 65
10785 Berlin
Thu, Mar 3, 19h GÖTZ VALIEN: LIEBER MALER - CURATORIAL TOUR at Haus am Lützowplatz
Guided tour through the exhibition Götz Valien – Lieber Maler with Marc Wellmann together with Rüder Lange, Loop Raum.
The event will also be streamed live via Zoom and Instagram. For more information please visit the HaL website.
Haus am Lützowplatz
Lützowplatz 9
10785 Berlin
OPENING FRI MAR 4, 19H ONCE UPON A TIME THREE DEAD PARROTS featuring Ukrainian artist Kinder Album @iamkinderalbum @arteastgallery.bk
"Once upon a time, three dead parrots" is the artist's first solo exhibition in Germany. Originally from Lviv, Kinder Album explores our collective anxieties through deliberately trashy scenes or provocative stagings. Each painting or drawing is based on a news item or a shared reference from pop culture, ranging from Marilyn Monroe to Queen Elizabeth. Strongly inspired by thrillers, with which the artist likes to scare herself, Kinder Album slips her own fragility and fears into her artworks. These fears, hers, are also ours, and Kinder Album invites the audience to face them. Slowly, the childish varnish cracks, revealing morbid scenes and a society riddled with cynicism.
2G- Registration is mandatory for the opening: +49 1520 5826249 /
4 Mar 2022 – 20 Apr 2022
ArtEast Gallery
Goßlerstraße 1
12161 Berlin
Sat Mar 5, 17-19h at Neun Kelche ATOMISTIC- LECTURE PERFOMANCE
Lecture Performance on Elisa Storelli's artistic research around the phenomenon of time. Followed by an Artist Talk with the artist and Sarie Nijboer @sarienijboer @elisastorelli
please register via mail:
further events:
March 26, 2022, 7:00 p.m: Sound Salon with Constantin Engelmann, Samuel Hertz and Elisa Storelli
Neun Kelche
Pasedagplatz 3-4, Zugang über „An der Industriebahn"
13088 Berlin
photos: Elisa Storelli, Atomistic, 2022, Copyright: Dorothea Dittrich, VG Bild-Kunst Bonn (2022).
Last weekend for TERRAIN VAGUE at Atelierhof and finissage on Monday Mar 7, 17h
with Friedrich Franke --@friedrich_franke, Joachim Lenz @joachim.w.lenz, Sebastian Lettner @sebastian_lettner, Nadine Lohof @nadinelohof, Nina Tobien @ninatobien
Open Mon. - Fr. 16 - 18h and b.a
Atelierhof Kreuzberg
Schleiermacherstr. 31-37
10961 Berlin
SAVE THE DATE for this beautiful, heartwarming book presentation at Eigen+Art Lab Mar 10, 17-21h Katie Armstrong: Grandma’s Hair Is Sick @eigenart_lab on March 10th - show will run until 12.03
An artistic children’s book about parting, grief and hope—a child’s love letter to their Grandma. One day, Grandma is looking different than usual, and the family’s everyday life is turned upside down. Writing from a child’s point of view, author Astrid Hamm touches on fears and worries, but also shows the shared moments between grandchild and grandmother that grow into treasured memories. This is a heartwarming storybook about change in life, meant to be read together. Lovingly illustrated by New York artist Katie Armstrong, the book creates a space for children to share all the questions they might have. For everybody who has had to face last goodbyes in life.
The publication is available in German and English.
Armstrong, Katie; Hamm, Astrid
Grandma’s Hair Is Sick
Book cover, an artistic children's book with 35 pages and about 30 images
published within MMKoehn Verlag, hardcover
Exhibition: March 10 - 12, 2022
Book presentation: March 10, 2022, 5 - 9pm
Torstraße 220
10115 Berlin
Update via @zoemiller instagram page: In an interview on 18.2. with Tagesspiegel, Smerling, now in extreme damage control mode, offers to change the name of the so-called "Kunsthalle Berlin" ("if that helps," he says) and to cover his own expenses instead of having them funded by taxpayers to the tune of 2,4 million over two years, as the Berlin Senate has estimated their cost to be.
He once again requests dialogue, that "everyone sit down at a table together", and describes his desire for an advisory panel for the so-called "Kunsthalle Berlin" with members of the Berlin art scene as well as his supposed intention to present Berlin art.
***We want to make this fully clear: we will not be speaking with Smerling. He is a symptom, not the disease. We address the politicians who enable him, who handed over our commons to him without due diligence or respect for democratic and ethical minimum standards. And we address the politicians whose assistance we require in remedying this intolerable situation and the structural problems at its root.***
We know what has happened in other cities where those resisting his pursuits engaged in dialogue. We know how he treats artists. We know how much his words are worth.
As Steyerl, Wedemeyer, Heiser wrote regarding overtures from the Smerling system: our response is:
No - without thanks.
Nein - ohne Danke.
Jörg Heiser, Hito Steyerl, and Clemens von Wedemeyer, wrote an open letter on Feb 13th to the Berlin Senator for Culture and Europe Klaus Lederer, the Governing Mayor of Berlin Franziska Giffey, the former Governing Mayor Michael Müller, the members of the Supervisory Board of Tempelhof Projekt GmbH, the Berlin Court of Auditors, the German Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth, as well as German Federal President Frank Walter Steinmeier as patron of the exhibition “Diversity United.” – wondering Who Owns the Public? You can read it here, it was published in e-flux. To add your signature go here