
The Bpigs Diaries offer a peek under the art market hood; what are the power dynamics, access and gatekeeping, and the current tension holders. Let's discuss!


Team Non Berlin

Have you met... NON Berlin

Their open spirit, clean aesthetics and knowledge of both German and Asian art culture sets the Asian Art Platform NON Berlin apart from other project spaces. For NON Berlin, it is not about competing; their aim is to establish partnerships and...read more

Tips 11.04 - 24.04

Even though in the coming days the common practice is to go Easter-feast in the family nest, we have convincing arguments to stick around for hangouts Berlin-style. Some pretty exciting evens are on the repertoire for the next two weeks, which...read more

Have you met... Group Global 3000

Tom Albrecht, Mariel Gottwick, Maria Korporal, and Javier Pérez-Lanzac make the team of artists running the project space Group Global 3000. Since the initiation of the space in 2012, the team has been organizing art shows and actions revolving...read more

Have you met... Kemang Wa Lehulere

Deutsche Bank KunstHalle recently introduced their 2017 "Artist of the Year" – Kemang Wa Lehulere – with a comprehensive solo exhibition titled "Bird Song". It is the first German institutional solo show of this young South African artist, and it...read more

Tips 28.03 - 10.04

Let that bit of after-work sunshine inspire you to seize the enire day. As always, we advocate galleries and exhibition openings as the perfect choice for low-key evenings. See our selection for the weeks ahead. FRIDAY 31.03 18.00 „Essential Shoes...read more

Hanne Lippard at KW Institute for Contemporary Art

Hanne Lippard's new installation in the recently reopened exhibition hall of KW Institute for Contemporary Art. The sparseness of KW’s vast ground floor exhibition space is striking; the only object, a central, cage-like structure coated in creamy...read more

March/April B-Side Women's March

Women's March Saturday 21st January 2017read more

Have you met... Loris

Loris is a ten-year-old art space in the gallery-packed Potsdamer Straße area, and a joint effort of ten artists with different creative approaches. In a non-hierarchical structure they share the space to present individual and group shows, and...read more

Tips 16.03 - 27.03

The city is overflowed with beauty and excitement over sunnier days. See what our tips suggest for the first days of Spring and join the wave of good mood in the right place at the right time. THURSDAY 16.03 19.00 Ben Peterson - „No Survivors“ @...read more

Pre-interview: Veit Schmidleitner

Everything was ready for the opening of Veit Schmidleitner's first solo exhibition in Berlin at the time we arrived to Ronewa Art Gallery. With the excitement of a newcomer and the confidence of an expert in the self-invented field, Veit showed us...read more

Tips 28.02 - 13.02

Our tips are a wave goodbye to long and arduous winter, and a warm welcome to longer days packed with lovely events. Here is our selection for the first days of March, in which, among other things, you shouldn't miss to get your hands on our brand...read more

Tips 14.02 - 27.02

Our solution for lovers, haters, and indifferent ones alike: go where there's music and there's people, or at least one of the two. There is light if you know which way to go, and in case you are a bit lost and not all that sure, here we are to...read more

Have you met...Krist Gruijthuijsen

KW Institute for Contemporary Art has entered a new era led by the recently appointed Krist Gruijthuijsen. The young Dutch curator acts both as director and chief curator, replacing Gabriele Horn and Ellen Blumenstein respectively. Gruijthuijsen...read more

Tips 26.01 - 04.02

The Transmediale / CTM time of the year brings us 10 insanely packed days of the two festivals' brilliantly curated programs, which we attempted to match with the best-of from our Openings section. See our highlights in the eventful weeks ahead...read more

Have you met... Scriptings

Achim Lengerer is an artist based in Berlin and London who works with questions of language, either thematized in his performances, or spatialized within his installations. Since 2009 he has been running the mobile showroom and publishing house...read more

Tips 12.01 - 23.01

New year has barely begun, and we are already popping new bottles of champagne: daadgalerie invites for a housewarming party to the new home in Kreuzberg and KW reopens its renovated chambers for its 25th birthday. Meanwhile art's birthday is...read more



2016 was a challenging one, but we shouldn't submit ourselves to despair. Instead we choose to opt for joy and celebrating all the good things with the good folks. Here's our holiday best-of for those who are spending the last days of the year in...read more

Meet the Berlin Art Prize 2016 Winners

Berlin Art Prize – the independent annual award honoring contemporary art from Berlin – saw its fourth edition this year, led by the motto „Hard Work/Work Hard“. From over 600 applicants, the jury – Karen Archey, Kito Nedo, Emeka Ogboh, Ahmet Öğüt...read more

DIY: Flower–Empower with Bloomon

2016 has been a lot of things, but if anything, I have discovered a way to keep all the negatives at bay. The year of BREXIT, Trump and refugee crisis – was my “Year of the Plant”. Starting in Spring, after teaming up with the lovely people from...read more

Tips 06.12 - 19.12

It looks as if we finally made it - we can almost see the light at the end of 2016. Don't miss to celebrate with the last round of events; here's what's on our to-do list. TUESDAY 06.12 18.00 Walter Thümler & Ute Lydia Ludwig @ HilbertRaum WHY...read more

Have you met... Luca Barbeni

Perhaps you haven't met Luca Barbeni yet, but you've probably heard of NOME . Luca is the main person behind this fairly young, forward-thinking gallery in Berlin operating between art, pop, culture, politics, and technology. Working with...read more

Tips 23.11 - 05.12

In these troubled worrisome times, we recommend boosting your immune system with art and engaging ideas. No better place than Berlin to undergo this kind of therapy - here's where, when, and why. WEDNESDAY 23.11 19.30 Conversas Berlin #9 @...read more

The Necks' 30th Anniversary @ Funkhaus Berlin (22/11/2016)

At the end of their celebratory 30th anniversary tour, the brilliant Australian trio The Necks arrive to Berlin for a special performance – 2 sets of approximately 45 minutes, entirely improvised and working with the acoustics of the room, at the...read more

DIY: UNISEW Your F/W Season

It’s getting cold outside, but before isolating yourself in the confines of your apartment and getting depressed about the Berlin Winter, I can recommend you to spend time with Siobhán O'Callaghan at one of her UNISEW workshops. Before she settled...read more

Tips 09.11 - 19.11

The world seems to be meeting the beginning of its end, and it’s hard to look away from the disaster in process. Here’s our best attempt to step back from the toxic stream and be present where it‘s sane and safe. WEDNESDAY 09.11 20.00 Conversas...read more
