
The Bpigs Diaries offer a peek under the art market hood; what are the power dynamics, access and gatekeeping, and the current tension holders. Let's discuss!


What Did I Miss 25.-27.10

THURSDAY 25.10 Oliver Möst @ Galerie Axel Obiger Hajnal Németh @ Invaliden1 Otolith Group and Falke Pisano @ District FRIDAY 26.10 My safe reduction to form @ Exile Antonia & Jens Nordmann @ Stedefreund Axel Lieber @ Hengesbach Gallery...read more

What Did I Miss-NEW YORK 17-21.10

A selection of shows you would have the chance to visit if you were in New York this weekend. Pictures are listed from: Lower East Side towards Chelsea, awesome to weird, and from normal to paranormal. LOWER EAST SIDE Andra Ursuta @ Ramiken...read more

What Did I Miss 19.-21.10

FRIDAY 21.10 Reflecting on networks / artistic strategies using the web @ km temporaer Jérôme Chazeix @ Souterrain Beny Wagner @ The Future Gallery Dena Yago @ Sandy Brown SUNDAY 21.10 Agency of unrealized projects, lecture series part III @ daad...read more

What Size?

rocket Jesus or the best poster I have seen since a long time "Concordia Concordia" Thomas Hirschhorn@Gladstone Gallery through Oct 20th, pic courtesy of the gallery see more “I want to do something Big.“ I nurse a mild contempt for press releases...read more


During his lecture, “What is the Museum of Contemporary Art?” co-curator of the 9th Shanghai Biennale Boris Groys brought up the following scenario: We are immersed in a virtual world surrounding life, and in order to get away, to escape the glow...read more

What Did I Miss 08.-14.10

FRIDAY 12.10 Jeongmoon Choi @ re:MMX Sarah Westphal @ Galerie Zink Arcane of Patterns @ mindpirates Conversation with Wael Shawky @ KW What is it to be Chinese? @ Grimmuseumread more

What Did I Miss *Shanghai*

Did you know that www.bpigs.com is banned in China? Here's what happened during the last three weeks in Shanghai: "Reactivation" the 9th Shanghai Biennale: The Academy of Reciprocal Enlightenment a lot of work to be done one week before opening...read more

What Did I Miss 04.-06.10

Say it loud. On words and actions @ District, 2011111111111s @ LEAP, Appartement Re: Installed @ Atelierhof Kreuzberg THURSDAY 04.10 Say it loud. On words and actions @ District FRIDAY 05.10 2011111111111s @ LEAP Appartement Reinstalled @...read more

Have you met... Alexander and Yen from Pampero Colectivo

Conceived as a hybrid space for exhibitions, events and short-time residency projects, turned into a weekly dinner event exhibiting emerging artists, promptly established as Berlin's melting pot of the expat crowd, and raised to the category of...read more

Have you met... the Goldrausch Künstlerinnen

On the occasion of their final exhibition "Rita, Sagen Sie jetzt nichts!", the graduates of the Goldrausch Program 2012 , are also hosting a series of events at Kunstverein Tiergarten, Galerie Nord. Tonight on the program: Goldrausch artists...read more

What Did I Miss-NEW YORK

*********************** In New York , as in life, you have to move in a firm pace. (Why? Let's say there is no other way). This is not easy when you don't know where you are going. It is hard to keep the tempo with your head bent over your smart...read more

What Did I Miss 27.-29.09

THURSDAY 27.09 Richard Mosse, Linn Pedersen, Young & Giroux, Mauro Cerqueira and Zuspiel @ Künstlerhaus Bethanien FRIDAY 28.09 The Artist as Curator's Art vol. II @ Schaufenster Red @ Catine Aqua Carre Arch+ features 15 Party @ St. Agnes...read more

What Did I Miss 17.-23.09

FRIDAY 21.09 Rock'n'roll People @ Tropen SATURDAY 22.09 artist Johannes Buss Finissage September Issue@ Atelierhof Kberg with live from HERZANGST feat. CLOSTER of GRAN HORNO (Catherine Lorent) and Laura Bruce with her band Dangerpony Daniel...read more

abc round table with Niche and Stil in Berlin

Rosa Barba (carlier gebauer) how many gallerists are needed to make something work? To be perfectly honest, I thought abc was kind of blah. Ok let me rephrase that. abc was fine, people liked it, quite a few LOVED IT (our editor Maria Santos for...read more

abc Final Report

Fall has always been my favourite season with a reason, and this past week has only confirmed that. We had Boros' refurbishing, Johann König's festive secularization of St. Agnes, Preview, plenty of Berlin galleries proudly presenting their new...read more

What Did I Miss Berlin Art Week Special

C/O, Ellen Gallagher talk @ Berlinische Galerie, Cyprien Gaillard @ Schinkel Pavillon, Boros Bunker re-opening, Simon Starling talk @ neugerriemschneider, Mike Nelson@neugerriemschneider (external), Goldrausch 2012@Kunstverein Tiergarten, BAL "...read more

Don't Miss: abc's Miss Read!

As opposed to the Miss Read fair last year, where if you were at KW that weekend, you were there for the books, the book fair this year acts as more of a supplement to the larger abc. Miss Read's integration into abc is most likely advantageous to...read more

abc: report from day #1

The long-awaited art berlin contemporary kicked off yesterday morning at Station-Berlin revealing itself as one of the most exciting events of the season. Featuring the newest positions in the contemporary art scene, this time under no subject and...read more

(my) Imaginary Collectors Buy List @abc 2012

If collecting is a virus- I think I got it: Acquire unique objects that will guide, inspire, comfort and maybe even bore and enrage you throughout your life. Objects you and you alone possess (and are possessed by). I get it. To enrich my...read more

Berlin Art Tuesday and Wednesday

I am looking at cranes. This is correct yes? Starting backwards- Cyprien Gaillard did it again to our city! abc sneak peeks - during installation David Adamo @Ibid Ignacio Uriarte @FiggevonRosen Jenni Tischler @Krobath Klemm Gallery Der Geist von...read more

How to speak PR/ Lesson #1: Negation

In the uncertainty of our ever shifting art times; where anybody could be somebody any minute (and nobody the next), nobody risks disappointing a conversation partner who might eventually outrank him, politeness is religion and negation does not...read more

What Did I Miss 03.09-09.09 *Pre-Berlin Art Week*

1work/1room/1night #2: Sofia Bempeza & Vana Kostayola @ Gitte Bohr, Yunchul Kim, "Carved Air" @ Schering Stiftung, Ethan Hayes Chute @ Kinderhook & Caracas, Gary Hume & Thomas Demand @ Sprüth Magers, From the Age of Poets @ Aanant...read more
