What Did I Miss-NEW YORK
What Did I Miss-NEW YORK

In New York , as in life, you have to move in a firm pace. (Why? Let's say there is no other way). This is not easy when you don't know where you are going. It is hard to keep the tempo with your head bent over your smart phone looking for directions. By the time your first taxi driver yells at you because you did not leave enough tip, or you find yourself in the express train wrong-bound or you get that first snooty comment, "nobody says underground here honey- it is the subway" you might just catch yourself wondering: What is it all worth? Yet you have to keep the pace. Why? Well for one - there are a lot of things to see.
"Concordia Concordia" Thomas Hirschhorn @Gladstone Gallery, all pictures courtesy of the gallery
New York - Art Book Fair@PS1
Gagosian’s “Homage to Mike Kelley”
the girls from the "Outdoor Co-ed Topless Pulp Fiction Appreciation Society" @ Fulton Ryder, along with pulp fiction and Richard Prince artist books
Paul Chan @ Deste
THE THING Quartelry- a magazine in the form of a daily object. Every issue is conceived by a different artist and published on a useful object, distributed to its subscribers. Subscribe to the next 4 THINGS by Mike Mills , David Shrigley, Tauba Auerbach, & Ben Marcus here (not that expensive!)
ARTFORUMx project by Michael Maranda- a graphic representation of the ad/edit relation over the years (1962-2012) in the Artforum magazine: The space devoted to advertisement(black) as opposed to the space devoted to edited content (red) . Each volume represents one issue; the art/edit breakdown is also shown on the spine of each volume and on each of the interior pages..
a mind blowing, earth shattering show...next to which THOMAS BAYRLE (big big plane drawings out of small small planes @documenta13) was simply forgotten.
David Levine's HABIT was quite the success here- with over 2.500visitors in ten days and smashing reviews ; (If you were one of the many supporters the project found on kickstarter you should be proud) The concept is simple: 3 actors loop a classical american play everyday for 8 hours. No stage directions, but to strictly follow the script- the actors can move freely in the set, eat, wash and go to the toilet. The viewers can come and go as they wish - while trying to find the right window to watch the action. Let's hope we can get that in Berlin as well soon!