
The Bpigs Diaries offer a peek under the art market hood; what are the power dynamics, access and gatekeeping, and the current tension holders. Let's discuss!


What Did I Miss 27.02-04.03

mobile pics... TUESDAY 28.02 Book Presentation - Mountainislandglacier @ Altes Finanzamt THURSDAY 01.03 Joseph Kosuth lecture @ Daimler Contemporary FRIDAY 02.03 Candida Höfer opening @ Johnen Galerie Katrina Daschner opening @ Krobath Melanie...read more

Evil Dead 2 @ Horton Gallery Review

Kadar Brock and Matt Jones both push their materials to their limits. Although they each treat their materials in different ways, they set up very specific conditions in which the physical and chemical properties of the paint and canvas determine...read more

The Intern Experience

This is maybe the rudest thing I have ever admitted thinking, but when I watch a semi senile Über Artist being attacked by flashes and moronic journalist questions “You are in the...autumn of your career, what comes next?“, I just can’t help but...read more

What Did I Miss 20.02-26.02

mobile pics... believe it or not that was Tuesday WEDNESDAY 22.02 Time Capsule opening @ Smartloft Apartments THURSDAY 23.02 xx Martin Creed @ Delloro Contemporary Art SATURDAY 25.02 Evil Dead 2 opening @ Horton Gallery (look for the review next...read more

Dash Snow Retrospective at CFA Review

Dash Snow’s work focuses on the lurid. Whether pulpy headline collage, wild night-life photography, or grainy super 8 film—it’s all pretty smutty. And while the short film, Familae Erase, and collection of 147 tiled Polaroids on view at the CFA...read more

What Did I Miss 13.02-19.02

mobile pics from the events we visited... WEDNESDAY 15.02.12 EDGED Pop-up store @ Auguststr 35, Exhibition by Paul Green Exhibition @ Galerie Gerken, Iman Rezai & Flavio Degen THURSDAY 16.02.12 Turkish Alphabet @ Museum Der Dinge Opening...read more

Love/ Post Love

My journey to emotional growth has started with Felicita , back in the days where there seemed to be only two songs at parties, (the Duck song being the other one), and somehow has made a full circle to Synchronize Lips . So maybe it is just me,...read more

What Did I Miss 06.02-12.02

mobile pics from the events we visited......... TUESDAY 07.02 Ilana Halperin @ Schering Stiftung WEDNESDAY 08.02 Forum Expanded @ Kunstsaele THURSDAY 09.02 Pauli Saar & Bar @Mädchenschule opening view more FRIDAY 10.02 Museum fur Kommunication...read more

What Did I Miss Extra: Mädchenschule Opening

With just about the right amount of queues, an invite that makes the one for your wedding blush, free flowing champagne white wine and, yes, the obligatory art, Mädchenschule opened yesterday in the former Jewish Shool for Girls, home of one of...read more

Book Hook: Land(and water)scapes

Earlier this week I attended a conversation between artist Ilana Halperin and Professor Achim Brauer (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam) on the occasion of Halperin’s exhibit at Schering Stiftung, “Hand Held Lava”. In close...read more

What Did I Miss 30.01-05.02

mobile pics from the events we visited...... MONDAY 30.01 Hal Foster @ ProQM TUESDAY 31.01 Transmediale opening @ Haus der Kulturen der Welt THURSDAY 02.02 Matt Mullican & Guido Van Der Werve @ Künstlerhaus Bethanien Morten Søndergaard, Word...read more

Sebastian Biskup @ 7Hours Haus 19 Review

Television commercials and portrait painting are brought side by side in Sebastian Biskup’s solo exhibition at 7Hours Haus 19. This unlikely pairing has been given a similar systematic treatment, and the result is a body of work that is...read more

What Did I Miss 23.01-30.01

mobile pics from the events we visited...... New Interview Magazine THURSDAY 26.01 Here!Here!There! @ St. George's Books Inner Tinge with Gemis Luciani @Atelierhof Kreuzberg BodyControlled#2 @ LEAP FRIDAY 27.01 Sebastian Biskup @ 7Hours Haus19 db...read more

One of Ours Review

The figure of Javier Perés doesn’t need to be introduced to those who know Berlin’s art scene. The founder of already almost legendary “Peres Projects”, which currently has two locations in Berlin (previously also in Los Angeles and Athens), and...read more


It could be funny, but then it is not. Giti Nourbakhsch ( and I am going to say the name correctly just this once out of respect) announced she is closing her gallery in March, via a YouTube video, where she is dancing to Udo Lindenberg's "Ich...read more

Kuben packen Kartons lüften @ Satellit Berlin

The white cube is packed and the boxes are ventilated; sisters Dina and Julia Boswank are working together for the first time for this exhibit at Satellit Berlin. Although they work in different mediums, Dina using video and sound and Julia...read more

Have you met... LEAP

When we announced our New Year's Eve Masquerade Ball , we anticipated that this would be a LEAP year. And we were not just referring to the extra day in the calendar, but perhaps that wasn't accidental either. Right in the city center, and facing...read more

What Did I Miss 16-22.01

mobile pics from the events we visited last week... TUESDAY 17.01 Berlin Fashion Week Opening @.HBC WEDNESDAY 18.01 Bar 3 - (no kidding this bag ' s name is Hobo) bar 3 THURSDAY 19.01 Deconstructing Reynold Reynolds @ LEAP THE RESCUE OF THE...read more

Andrea Dettmar, hatch, at Scotty Enterprises

The press photo for Andrea Dettmar’s debut Berlin exhibition at Scotty Enterprises depicts a man emerging from or being sucked into an Etruscan Tomb. Paired with the title of the show, hatch , the photograph demonstrates the most literal...read more

Have you met... Isobel Gowdie

Berlin is dressing up for the Fashion Week . No matter whether it rains or snows, if you are still under an after-Christmas financial recovery plan or just far from looking like the shape of a cigarette. Apart from the official dates, there is...read more

What Did I Miss 09-16.01

mobile pics from the events we visited last week... TUESDAY 10.01 Out of the Black with Regina de Miguel, Sam Smith, Kim Westerström @REH Kunst THUSRDAY 12.01 Martin Boyce @ Daimler Contemporary FRIDAY 13.01 KW Institut - Kunst Lotterie (Olafur...read more

Have you met... die raum

There is a certain exhibition space in the middle of a jungle ruled by proud stroller-pushing parents and compulsive coffee drinkers that really worth a visit to the heart of Prenzlauer Berg. die raum is a 5 m2 exhibition space in the...read more
