What Did I Miss Extra: Mädchenschule Opening
What Did I Miss Extra: Mädchenschule Opening

With just about the right amount of queues, an invite that makes the one for your wedding blush, free flowing champagne white wine and, yes, the obligatory art, Mädchenschule opened yesterday in the former Jewish Shool for Girls, home of one of the best (and very few) Berlin Bienalle moments. Downside- loud and clear: sadly renovated lamps and doorknobs, the saddest little "Stulle" as finger food in the restaurant, (there was more food upstairs but we missed it) and the art... was at best: random. I have been dreaming of art-less openings for a while now, but this time I got my wish- at least on the third floor @ Eigen&Art. Bright Side: the restaurant looks magnificent, Eigen&Art Lab will present non German, young artists (!!), everybody looked like "somebody", an impression enhanced by people who kept pulling out a huge camera out of nowhere really quick, flash, then hide it again. Guggenheim might be closing, but that does not mean Berlin can't do glamour (plus minus a Stulle or two). I heard Marina Abramovich was there but I did not see her, I heard a lot of other names too, but I don't know them, ah yeah and Jake Gyllenhaal was there, but that was the day before in another party. Tja..
@Michael Fuchs
Eigen&Art Lab
Pauly Saal & Bar
Pauly Saal & Bar
Afterparty Fuchs & Eigen Art (or..?)