
The Bpigs Diaries offer a peek under the art market hood; what are the power dynamics, access and gatekeeping, and the current tension holders. Let's discuss!


Wolfgang Stiller, "Laboratory I" at Delloro Contemporary Review

After climbing the stairs to the top floor of an old industrial building, now Delloro Contemporary Art, one enters Wolfgang Stiller’s installation, Laboratory I, an installation that feels like a combination of the backstage office at the natural...read more


-Why did you come to Berlin to work? -I have promised myself I will not answer any more questions about Berlin. First of all football. So Germany triumphs over Greece, to get beaten to a pulp by Italy, who in their turn got absolutely ridiculed by...read more

What Did I Miss 25.06-01.07

Berlin-Paris Gallery Exchange, Hilarion Manero Private View @ 7hours Haus 19, David Levine performance @ Tanya Leighton FRIDAY 29.06 Berlin-Paris Gallery Exchange: Alicja Kwade Studio Visit Berlin-Paris Gallery Exchange: Jordine Voigt Hilarion...read more

Book Hook: Learning about Learning

As Flaubert’s Bouvard and Pecuchet have shown us, trying to learn only from books and no experience only leads to one failure after another. Sometimes we need to take a closer look at the educational system and how knowledge is produced in order...read more

Cia Rinne, "Sounds for Soloists" @ Grimmuseum Review

Cia Rinne believes that if you only speak one language you are limited in your thinking because you can only express things in one way. In her show, Sounds for Soloists, at Grimmuseum, Rinne showcases her ability to express herself through an...read more

What Did I Miss 18.06-24.06

Karla Black @ Schinkel Pavillion, Vadim Fishkin @ Galerija Gregor Rodnar, Harald Klingelhöller @ Konrad Fischer Galerie, Wolfgang Stiller, Laboratory I and Andreas Zingerle, Squeeze @ Delloro Contemporary Art, Cia Rinne, Sounds for Soloists @...read more

What Did I Miss 11.06-17.06

A Tale of Three Cities Berlin Bookswap @ Geist im Glas, Alfredo Jaar Opening Afterparty @ Prince Charles, Impress Me @ NGBK, Positioning Osmotic Impulses @ Former Neukölln Prison THURSDAY 14.06 Alfredo Jaar. The way it is @ Berlinische Galerie A...read more

Basel - Dazzle

The ultimate guide to Art Basel- All you need to know about the super art fair- the absolute highlights. If such a thing is even possible, this is not it. The first thing I noticed in Art Basel is that I did not get in. In Kassel ( Documenta!!! )...read more

What Did I Miss 04.06-10.06

Kassel: Real-Unreel screening with Francis Alys; Art Magazine party @Ekstase, professional preview Berlin: Films and Windows I @ Mathew Gallery, Hilaron Manero "2011" @ 7hours Haus 19, Sameheads/Purge/Ocvlto Party Kassel If the sound of the Art...read more


STOP whatever you are doing and plan your trip to Kassel!!! (in that case: Spoiler Alert for following photos) KARLSAUE - (pronounced karls - a-u-e ) Song Dong Anri Sala Pierre Huyghe Sam Durant time bank (eflux/Julieta Aranda &Anton Vidokle)...read more

What Did I Miss 28.05-03.06

Construction/ Building @ Galerie Open, The World is Not Fair: Die Grosse Welt Ausstellung @ Tempelhof Field, Picasso Grid @ Autocenter, The Future Archive @ n.b.k. "this bitch REALLY loves the camera" THURSDAY 31.05 Kanon 1-12, Henrik Vestergaard...read more

What Did I Miss 21.05-27.05

mobile pics from the events we visited WEDNESDAY 23.05 Turkish Art New and Superb @ Tanas THURSDAY 24.05 Haroon Mirza @ Schering Stiftung Slawomir Elsner @ Künstlerhaus Bethanien FRIDAY 25.05 Larry Clark @ C/O SATURDAY 26.05 Book Days @ C/Oread more

Speed Portfolio III feedback

“It reminds me of school time, with the difference that we wrote the books that we are talking about.” One of the artists, the Italian guy, told me this when I asked him how it is going. (Davide from IOCOSE) The idea of the speed portfolio viewing...read more

Andreas Blank, "Shadows of Words Spoken" @ Christian Ehrentraut Review

In preparation for a work included in his solo exhibition, “Shadows of Words Spoken” at Galerie Christian Ehrentraut, sculptor Andreas Blank was in an uncomfortable situation in an Italian quarry. There were only five pieces left of the good...read more

What Did I Miss 15-20.05

mobile pics from the events we visited THURSDAY 17.05 Krytyka Polityczna @ Berlin Biennale SATURDAY 19.05 Cosmophobia @ L'atelier - kunst(spiel)raum SUNDAY 20.05 Speed Portfolio Viewing @ L40 Eine Statue hat sich an mich erinnert ---A statue has...read more

What Did I Miss 07.05-13.05

mobile pics... MONDAY 07.05 Artistic Practice As Research talk @ ProQM WEDNESDAY 09.05 Post gig at the exhibition by residents Melissa Fisher & Teresa Adversa @ Sur la Montagne FRIDAY 11.05 Iain Hamilton Grant: Origins of Dynamics lecture @...read more

Book Hook: The Real Thing

Book Hook: The Real Thing One thing that I find especially appealing about books is that since they are produced in editions, it is possible and affordable to obtain and hold in one’s hand the original object. Why is it so important to be able to...read more
