
The Bpigs Diaries offer a peek under the art market hood; what are the power dynamics, access and gatekeeping, and the current tension holders. Let's discuss!


Diary Entry 5

As the office that I currently work in is located in the new-new Berlin gallery "hot-spot", situated around the Check-Point Charlie area, I have been attempting to break up the monotony of the working day, or to find some quick-fix through...read more

Book Hook: Picture Books

Don’t get me wrong; I love to read. But when it’s sunny and warm outside I have a difficult time focusing on a block of text. Sadly summer weather doesn’t stop me from spending too much time looking at images on the internet, the result being...read more

What Did I Miss 06.08-12.08

Lev Khesin @ Galerie im Rathaus Tempelhof, Stephanie Dost @ Galerie Christian Ehrentraut, new bar opposite Kingsize, Caleuche_Video VI XXX Noisekölln @ Raum, Frank Höhne @ Gestalten, Art Connect Berlin Anniversary Party THURSDAY 09.12 Lev Khesin...read more

Diary Entry 4

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What Did I Miss 30.07-05.08

Steven Warwick @ Kinderhook & Caracas, NYU Studio MA Thesis Show @ Grimmuseum, Steff Loewenbaum @ last show at DUVE before moving WEDNESDAY 01.08 Steven Warwick @ Kinderhook & Caracas NYU Studio MA Thesis Show @ Grimmuseum SATURDAY 03.08...read more

Diary Entry 3

Normal 0 21 false false false DE X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 DefSemiHidden="true" DefQFormat="false" DefPriority="99" LatentStyleCount="267"> UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="true" Name="Normal"/> UnhideWhenUsed="false" QFormat="...read more

What Did I Miss 23.07-29.07

1work / 1room / 1night @ Gitte Bohr, DRAW, Victoria's last night@bar 3, ChessBoxing @Platoon to be honest I was not aware who the cute old couple were @Schinkel Pavillion- RIP Franz West. WEDNESDAY 25.07 1work / 1room / 1night Part 1: Ondrej Brody...read more

Old/ New Intern's Diary

Back in February, when I had gotten all intern crazy and spent a week actually joking about building the "pigs" army. I met this girl, the last of a series of young people offering to do everything for nothing. She had been a while in Berlin, got...read more

Intern's Diary Entry 1 (and 2)

Part Two My involvement with Bpigs has been a bit…haphazard to date. The post you are about to read in now, is approximately 5 months delayed. To summarize … It was February, I was unemployed and running out of money fast …on the brink of a self...read more

Like-o-Meter part 4

Our Likes our now complete- Maria , Rachel , Christian and mine below. Now your turn! Send in or comment online the 5 things you absolutey adore about Berlin and its art scene. We will post all half -way sane answers with a name, as soon as we get...read more

What Did I Miss 16.07-22.07

Ensemble Zwischentöne Concert @ Hamburger Bahnhof, Platoon Opening, Partouse opening and Mandy's bar, Vicky Uslé - Woodshedding @ Alexander Levy, Limited Limitlessness @ LEAP THURSDAY 19.07 Ensemble Zwischentöne Concert @ Hamburger Bahnhof as much...read more

What Did I Miss 09.07-15.07

Miha Erman, "Room with no Echo" @ Galerie Kuchling, Body Controlled #4 @ LEAP, Workshop Xth Sense with Marco Donnarumma @ LEAP, Preview Bomb Gallery @ Galerie Axel Obiger, Rundgang 2012 @ UdK, Rundgang der Kunsthochschule Weißensee 2012 @...read more

What Did I Miss 02.07-08.07

Japanther @ Marie Antoinette, Paul McCarthy @ Neue Nationalgalerie, Cia Rinne & Anders Lauge Meldgaard Performance @ Grimmuseum, Robert Montgomery @ Tempelhof from the press release sent out yesterday : "Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Artistic...read more

Wolfgang Stiller, "Laboratory I" at Delloro Contemporary Review

After climbing the stairs to the top floor of an old industrial building, now Delloro Contemporary Art, one enters Wolfgang Stiller’s installation, Laboratory I, an installation that feels like a combination of the backstage office at the natural...read more


-Why did you come to Berlin to work? -I have promised myself I will not answer any more questions about Berlin. First of all football. So Germany triumphs over Greece, to get beaten to a pulp by Italy, who in their turn got absolutely ridiculed by...read more

What Did I Miss 25.06-01.07

Berlin-Paris Gallery Exchange, Hilarion Manero Private View @ 7hours Haus 19, David Levine performance @ Tanya Leighton FRIDAY 29.06 Berlin-Paris Gallery Exchange: Alicja Kwade Studio Visit Berlin-Paris Gallery Exchange: Jordine Voigt Hilarion...read more

Book Hook: Learning about Learning

As Flaubert’s Bouvard and Pecuchet have shown us, trying to learn only from books and no experience only leads to one failure after another. Sometimes we need to take a closer look at the educational system and how knowledge is produced in order...read more

Cia Rinne, "Sounds for Soloists" @ Grimmuseum Review

Cia Rinne believes that if you only speak one language you are limited in your thinking because you can only express things in one way. In her show, Sounds for Soloists, at Grimmuseum, Rinne showcases her ability to express herself through an...read more

What Did I Miss 18.06-24.06

Karla Black @ Schinkel Pavillion, Vadim Fishkin @ Galerija Gregor Rodnar, Harald Klingelhöller @ Konrad Fischer Galerie, Wolfgang Stiller, Laboratory I and Andreas Zingerle, Squeeze @ Delloro Contemporary Art, Cia Rinne, Sounds for Soloists @...read more
