Old/ New Intern's Diary
Old/ New Intern's Diary

Back in February, when I had gotten all intern crazy and spent a week actually joking about building the "pigs" army.
I met this girl, the last of a series of young people offering to do everything for nothing. She had been a while in Berlin, got some street smarts, funny, british (the accent..) and most importantly totally at the edge of her seat. As they say: she reminded of me...what else are we looking for in this world than another ME. The whole Intern thing promptly blew up in my face - not just with her- as you can read in the Intern experience, a text from back then. The girl left as quick as she could walk, right after the first day of what I considered a training in Me_ness. (Maybe I could not have handled me at that age either) But she did leave behind a text, her first intern's diary. The text did not need training at all: smart, funny, disarmingly honest. Exactly what I had in mind when starting this series.
Back then my ego was to big to allow her to just write the diary, as she felt threatened and confused from all the other tasks, without actually interning at bpigs.com. But in the end, talent is always more important. (up to a point and only in projects like bpigs don't get any ideas and go all Van Gogh on your gallerist chances are he will not buy it). I contacted Katy a few weeks ago and asked her to try this again. We can follow her, through her texts, in whatever professional path she takes in Berlin, even if that has not strictly to do with bpigs. Hopefully for longer this time.
The intern's diary- every Thursday.