What Did I Miss 30.07-05.08

What Did I Miss 30.07-05.08

Steven Warwick @ Kinderhook & Caracas, NYU Studio MA Thesis Show @ Grimmuseum, Steff Loewenbaum @ last show at DUVE before moving


Steven Warwick @ Kinderhook & Caracas

NYU Studio MA Thesis Show @ Grimmuseum


last show at Duve in the Mitte location, and the traditional summer party- not in the "Hof" as everybody kept asking. But still a wonderful night, the police did not come, pedestrians and bikers needing to pass by found another way, beer and vodka kept coming-cold!- the music was excellent, so excellent there were more than one half baked attempts to dance, unfortunately the alcohol was too generous for any of this to work. People arriving kept asking me, where should we go next, but nobody left for quite a while. Word class journalists, (at least one) famous and (many)not so famous yet artists, other Mitte+Kreuzberg gallerists, a gallerist (succesfully)turned artist, art history students who did NOT want to set up a start up parallely, this guy I met in cologne and keeps popping up, berlin's best art connector, and the big S. Mr Duve was very friendly and excited- showed us pictures of the new space in Kreuzberg, two floors, bigger, brighter, cheaper and 100m from the St Johann church on Alexandrinnen str.


Steff Loewenbaum @ DUVE


and alas! now we are really in a Sommer Loch - bar 3 will remain closed for TWO weeks.