The Interns Diary (part 9)

The Interns Diary (part 9)

Dear Diary,

Winter has arrived and I am spending more and more days at home.. so this time no stories about bars. Or maybe a few....
because on Sunday Despina took me and the other girls, Maria and Rachel from Pigs, out for dinner at Themroc and we ended up at a nice bar with good looking people called Neue Odessa

It was so generous of Despina to take us out for dinner, so I told her I won't need a goodbye present any more when I leave… which is stupid because you don't ask for a present do you?
Except for Christmas maybe…

It was nice to go out for dinner with all the girls. We are working together but never see each other given Bpigs is mostly web based and we can work from home. We finally got the chance to get to know each other, and I noticed we were mostly talking about the best places in Berlin as a true guide should.

They asked about my favorite bar because it seems like I'm talking a lot about bars in my diaries (do I?). It will be my goal for the end of my internship to offer my personal favorites of Berlin….a horrible thing to create isn't it?

I am looking forward to my first weekend without any visitors from Holland. Don't get me wrong, it's great to have friends and family visiting, but it can get tiresome to act as a true guide through Berlin while I still feel like I know only 10% out of 100. And of course I'm the type of person who still gets lost (which my friends didn't even notice).

Last weekend I brought my dearest friends to Watergate where we didn't get in after standing for one hour in the queue… while it was raining.. So we went to Chez Jacki, drank some jägermeisters to warm up, and we stayed dancing until the morning arrived. I sneaked into the hostel were they stayed and had a nice and lovely sleep over at Plus Hotel (with swimming pool, sauna and a great breakfast!).

Christmas is coming and it's time to buy some presents; since I will go home during Christmas they are expecting me to bring some nice German/Berlin-like gifts… and I still don't know what that consists of.

I hoped to find something at the wonderful Lucia Weihnachtsmarket in the Kulturbrauerei but I spent more time tasting Gluhwein than looking for presents. I trusted a friend who told me he found the most delicious gluhwein but it had these smutty almonds inside so I pretended it was so tasty and delicious even though it wasn't.

Also no presents were found at the Holy Shit Shopping because it was all too expense (yes I'm still a stingy Dutch person who doesn't want to spent too much money for presents).

The weekend is on its way and I'm wondering what to do. Again, there is too much to choose from, of course. For sure I will see some exhibition openings because I've missed a lot lately. I would love to go to Wrong Exit, the exhibition of Kimberly Clark this Friday at Autocenter or the curated show from Node at Grimmuseum at Saturday, and then there is this exhibition Monotomie Melancholie at Schau Fenster where plenty of artists are participating, including Despina, or the Gallery Anniversary Party of Galerie Suvi Lehtinen at GSL Projects. ARGH! How to make decisions?!