What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 04.04-05.04
What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 04.04-05.04

It would be nice if there was, at least, a degree of geographical congruity within the discordant Berlin art scene. Alas, the sprawl is seemingly inebriated.
On the up side, even if no one wants to hear about your increased knowledge of the city's gallery-cooridnates, newfound bus-route savvy is sure to win some points... even if you have to wait until an accidental late-night on the outskirts of the ring to cash them in.
However, if today is anything to go by, bike season might well be here (sorry, jinx-obsessives).
See how events fared this week with our + / - system!
Call for Papers @ Invaliden1 Galerie
Solo show by Jorge Molder
Runs until 18.05
“Almost any name would be suitable for this series of images” tells the artist in the press release, which documents his self-aware grapple for a title. Indeed, with no thematic-umbrella large enough to accommodate for the unlikely crowd of a: gun, bunny, collection of knives and bowl, Call for Papers does the trick.
+5 for the humility; for a clean break from those meddlesome, enigmatic titles which parade over exhibitions, with not a correlative link in sight.
+10 a convenient enough location for a non-committal once over!
Geschmack posierend @ District Kunst- und Kulturförderung
(Dis)playing paper, hours and constellations #3
by Roman Schramm and Paul Sochacki with SKULPI III
Runs until 13.04
(26.04 - 26.05 for the next part in the four part series - see website for details.)
District Berlin, +50 for providing a beacon in the depressing commercial-thicket at Südkreuz, comprised of Bauhaus and friends. I think that, even with its own interdisciplinary-XXX, this area will not be gentrified in a hurry.
“The number of participants for this performance is limited to 60 guests” read the invitation – enough to warrant the glug of something strongish before hand, just in case the participation aspect was to get out of hand -10 for my health
+5 for the justified appearance of the most in vogue punctuation in the title- the parenthesis- injecting a well deserved bit of kineticism to the words.
The invitation didn’t explicitly say what would happen – although the event was entitled “Geschmack posierend: a vegetable pool party with strawberry and grape” with vague riddle-like poetics in the description.
+10 for the surprise factor. When I arrived those to whom I spoke to were similarly non the wiser about what would happen.
room 1:
after an hour or so a second room was opened up and +30 - No herding techniques used to usher us into the next room - migration occurred naturally.
room 2:
+50 All the available points at my disposal to the beautiful layout of the candle-lit room (supposing a dinner), with instrumental music playing. Was participation to be eating in this instance?
On the tables were starter-bites and pens and paper, the latter enough for me to question if eating was really all that was required of me. –15 (to myself) for the self-induced, paranoid state of limbo that I sat in- due mostly to the looming props on the table – in retrospect stationary should never be regarded as “looming” (and it had no set purpose, as it transpired)
-10 (to myself again) I am forever criticising staged curation, that hinders a more naturalised engagement, but in this instance I was only appeased on speaking to the (wonderful) curator, Susanne Husse, that in fact the event was the dinner.
+20 for spurring a internal contemplation as to what constitutes an exhibition/opening/art etc. The event offered a twist on the classic exhibtion formula which saw: gallery staff as ladlers and potato peeler’s, an art historian-come-chef and artists to oversee the presentation.
FRIDAY 05.04
Warum kann man Gedanken nicht sehen @ Galerie Thomas Schulte
Only 06.04
In Situ @ Galerie Thomas Schulte
Runs until 20.04
The first in the series of 18 exhibitions by artist Michael Müller
- 10 Having previously worked in a gallery that operated in a similar vein as this one, I hazarded a guess as to why, on second glance, the gallery assistant sidled away from me with her tray of limited champagne-filled-glasses. Fine, I was not to make the cut, but more subtly please.
+ 25 It is always enjoyable to watch people manoeuvring around a room which contains within it a naked man sat on a chair. Observe: the immediate abandonment of the social-interaction rulebook(pay close attention to eye contact), and try to distinguish the unperturbed from the pretenders. Adopting the judgemental-eye of the previously slated gallery assistant; I'd say the majority of the spruced-up crowd were fakers - a quick peep in, and onto the other rooms, which were suspiciously more crowded.
+5 the show itself cultivated the sensation that here was a puzzle to be solved...Segments of the walls were adorned in cited text, and each work had beside it a minute footnote. Alas, there appeared to be no correlation, but it was a technique that worked to create a microcosm of a secondary world within the exhibition space, in a way that was reminiscent of the work of Charles Avery.
On consulting the text I found that the world in question was that described in the novel by Robert Musil “The man without qualities”
-10 The space was quite confused. There were 2 openings in one. I believe this is the second one and will continue until April 20th, which will oversee the eventual decay of this bouquet:
Wet Feet and more @ daadgalerie
Solo show by Bouchra Khalili
Runs until 19.05
The result of an exploration into the geographic quality of two port cities: Miami and Hamburg...Unfortunately, I struggled to anchor in a hook of intrigue with this one.
I will say it was the most attractive crowd I’ve seen for awhile, although the photos don't show it. +10
and +20 - no judgemental eyes lurking next to the copious selection of help-yourself wine.
Faith and Flesh @ Atelierhof Kreuzberg
Show by Laura López Paniagua and Bob Rutman
Runs until 14.04
A steel cello performance by artist 82 year old Robert Rutman (crafter or the instrument) +15
- 10 ( English prude)
SPLITTER @ Scotty Enterprises
a solo show by Charlotte Bastian
Runs until 26.04
Dekoration @ Gallery Christian Ehrentraut
Solo show by Christoph Ruckhäberle
Runs until 11.05