


Tips 15.03 - 25.03

As the long-awaited Spring finally graces Berlin – well, sort of – we're mapping out the route for you to start enjoying it outside your homes. As per usual, it's a gallery round packed with worthy exhibition openings and talks, as well as the...read more


Tips 08.11 - 20.11

Warm up for colder days with a festival that brings the global South closer to the North, and try to keep up with the busy gallery hopping route throughout the next two weeks. Among many curiousity-provoking exhibitions to come, these are the ones...read more

Tips 27.09 - 09.10

Attend to the rising post-summer blues by attending art functions as often as possible. Our list of things to see in the coming weeks includes exhibitions, performances, discussions, special presentations, all-in-one art festival experience, and...read more