Tips 02.07 - 06.07
Tips 02.07 - 06.07

With all the events this week, it seems like none of the galleries want to take a break. It is probably the last round of openings before everyone goes on vacation, so enjoy your favorite places and faces before the summer separates us.
18.00 Alltagspragmatismus @ invaliden1
WHY: "Alltagpragmatismus" is a group show with works by seven artists, which revolves around a situation where everyone started with something existing, and went about transforming it. To celebrate its 9th anniversary, the gallery will also present works by the artists who collaborated with them along the years. With each of those works priced €1500, the aim of this event is to help funding future projects.
Invaliden1 / Schönleinstr. 25, 10967 Berlin, U Schönleinstr. / open through 02.08 / free entry / more info
FRIDAY 04.07
18.00 David Zink Yi / Tue Greenfort @ Johann König, Berlin
WHY: Johann König, Berlin presents two new solo shows by the young Berlin-based artists David Zink Yi and Tue Greenford. David Zink Yi is working primarily in video, photography, and sculpture. His work often deals with the idea of the body, and stems from his Peruvian, Chinese, and German cultural heritage. Tue Greenfort's interdisciplinary practice deals with the overlap of public and private realms, natural and cultural history.
Johann König, Berlin / Dessauer Str. 6-7, 10963 Berlin, S+ U Potsdamer Platz / open through 09.08 / free entry / more info
18.00 Meg Cranston - Poodle Mix @ Galerie Michael Janssen
WHY: Michael Janssen presents new paintings by conceptual artist Meg Cranston. By appropriating from diverse aesthetics such as color theory, design, fashion, and supermarket advertising, Cranston makes energetic collages, paintings, installations, and sculptures by pairing found imagery with monochromatic abstract forms. Cranston has recently collaborated with John Baldessari in a series of text paintings titled "Real Painting (for Aunt Cora)", which we had the chance to see last year at Michael Janssen gallery in Berlin (see our impressions here).
Galerie Michael Janssen / Potsdamer Str. 63, 10785 Berlin, U Kurfürstenstr. / open through 29.08 / free entry / more info
20.00 Alex Gross - Fermentation of the Mind @ Das Gift
WHY: Alex Gross will show a new series of large format drawings at GiftRaum. Landscape, architecture, and people are entering a process with raw sculptural materiality within these drawings. While some things fall apart during the process, others grow into nameless shapes of very experimental, anthropromorphic architecture.
Das Gift / Donaustr. 119, 12043 Berlin, U Rathaus Neukölln / open through 06.07 / free entry / more info
17.00 Stine Marie Jacobsen - Direct Approach @ District Berlin
WHY: "Direct Approach" is an ongoing art project by Stine Marie Jacobsen, which is exploring the potential of creating a social space of action beyond cultural representation and attribution. For this project, the artist has worked with young people between 13 and 25 in a series of workshops to address the subjective perception of violence in the context of marginalization, discrimination, and racism through short films, interviews, and movie posters. In the exhibition, District shows 6 of the resulting short films, as well as 17 movie posters in an experimental cinema setting.
District / Bessemerstraße 2-14, 12103 Berlin, U Alt Tempelhof - S Südkreuz / open through 21.09 / free entry / more info
19.00 Brave New World @ Bootsbau
WHY: "Brave New World" is an exhibition that presents works by eleven illustrators from the Royal College of Arts. It is a showcase of the artists' take on interpreting the ideas of utopia and dystopia. With those two concepts taken as contemporary answers to present problems, the exhibition will try to raise questions about the value of contemporary society and the meaning of future.
Bootsbau / Richardstrasse 43, 12055 Berlin, U Karl-Marx-Str / open through 19.07 / free entry / more info
SUNDAY 06.07
15.00 Tour through "[macro]biologies 2:organisms" @ Art Laboratory Berlin
WHY: If you missed the opening of "[macro]biologies II: organisms", it was probably only because a better opportunity to see the exhibition was coming up. This Sunday, you will be able to see the show through the perspective of the curators Regine Rapp and Christian de Lutz, as well as gain a special insight from other members of the ALB staff, who took part in the preparation and installation of the exhibition.
Art Laboratory Berlin / Prinzenallee 34, 13359 Berlin, U Pankstr. / free entry / more info
17.00 Dolly Parton exhibition @ 25hours Hotel Bikini Berlin
WHY: The extravagant exhibition inspired by Dolly Parton will open on Sunday before her live performance at O2 World. It opens a visual and didactic dialogue between lowbrow art and popular culture, through the eyes of a group of Finnish designers with serious street cred, blurring the lines between fan-art, craft, and design. The Queen of Country Music is famous for her witty and popular repartee ("It takes a lot of money to make a person look this cheap!"), that also explains the spirit of this show.
25hours Hotel Bikini Berlin / Budapester Strasse 42, 10787 Berlin, S+U Zoologischer Garten / open through 21.07 / free entry / more info