After-Work-Drinks, Cocktails, Longdrinks, Highballs & Co. in a relaxed yet elegant atmosphere.
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insitu– a non-profit space for contemporary art, showcases emerging artists from the 3 curators' countries of origin (Austria, France & Luxembourg), alongside international artists based in Berlin. The exhibitions will be complemented by talks, performances, lectures and video screenings.
insitu is a curatorial initiative and non-profit space for contemporary art in Berlin, founded in November 2012. insitu was founded by the curators Marie Graftieaux, Nora Mayr and Gilles Neiens and was enlarged in 2014 by the participation of the curator Lauren Reid. The name insitu refers to the team’s understanding of curatorial practice as being necessarily «in situ» in terms of cultural, social and geographical spaces.
insitu designs its program in annual Cycles, which provide a thematic focus for the upcoming exhibitions, screenings, performances and lectures of the year. This cyclical structure provides insitu with the opportunity to ask new questions each year. Together with the invited artists and guest curators, insitu delves into different approaches to artistic work and curatorial processes.