Emotionally Confronted Through Distance
Sat, 4 Sep 2021 17:00-21:00
Emotionally Confronted Through Distance
with Aseel AlYaqoub (Kuwait), Anna Anders (D), Marc Aschenbrenner (A), Dave Ball (GB), Mihai Grecu (RO), Petja Ivanova (D), Marlot Meyer (ZAF), Dani Ploeger (NL), Wolfgang Spahn (D/A)
With their summer exhibition - Emotionally Confronted Through Distance - Pierre Wolter and Melanie Zagrean, gallery owners and curators of the Berlin gallery Art Claims Impulse presents statements, reflections and interpretations of various artists of the gallery on this topic. Participation and involvement in events from a distance are phenomena that have been growing since the rise of digital media and have reached a new peak with the recent pandemic. On the one hand, one is in the middle of things, emotionally involved, often even digitally active as a live co-creator. On the other hand, the distance and isolation lead to a new quality of experience, to a confrontation with an event that touches, that one sometimes only sees or hears, but cannot tangibly or palpably experience with others on site, and whose impact on perception, on experience, as well as on memory raises new questions.
Open Tue-Sat: 12:00 to 18:00