What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 18.06 - 21.06
What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 18.06 - 21.06

Music lovers and football fanatics had a special kick out of last week's events. Us art folks did not feel deprived in any way; we did concerts at Mauerpark, we know the relevant results, and we still did not miss the most interesting events of the week: openings at Alte Kindl Brauerei, Das Gift and Kuckei + Kuckei, and two special performances at SomoS.

Wednesday, 18 Jun
Unclean Conversations: Pedro Bustamante and Mischa Tangian @ SomoS

Thursday, 19 Jun
It's About Time + Radio Picnic opening and Salon Bruit @ Alte Kindl Brauerei