What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 11.09 - 14.09
What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 11.09 - 14.09
September is upon us. Berlin Art Week is upon us. Grab your art goggles and come get messy. Empty your schedules, grab a partner, and leave your life by the way side. This was the warm up for what awaits...
Thursday, 11 Sep
Michael Just, Manuela Kasemir, Ruprecht Von Kaufman @ EIGEN + ART Lab

Friday, 12 Sep
Andreas Blank – The imprint of the space someone used @ Galerie Christian Ehrentraut

Friday, 12 Sep
Vector Issue-5 @ Schau Fenster

Saturday, 13 Sep
Kate Cooper – Rigged / Ryan Trecartin – Site Visit @ KW Institute for Contemporary Art