What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 08.04 - 13.04
What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 08.04 - 13.04
Last week in numbers: 1 surreal(ly crowded) opening + 1 opening at 2 galleries + 3 openings of site-specific shows / at Haus am Lützowplatz, OZEAN, Berlinische Galerie, Das Gift, ReTramp & tête.

Tuesday, 8 Apr
The hallucinated world - Painting on the edge of reality @ Haus am Lützowplatz
"The hallucinated world. Painting on the edge of reality" is a group show with works most easily described as surreal. At the time when I arrived to the opening, it was surreally crowded - one of those where there is no point in trying to see some art, and it is best to just go with the flow, and accept that it is all about sipping wine and mingling anyway. I wonder how long did it take to clear out the gallery and finally close the doors... +11 for the party spirit on a Tuesday evening in a gallery.

Wednesday, 9 Apr
Nicoll Ulrich: ['ri:miks] - T. Brinkmann @ OZEAN
In Nicoll Ullrich's show titled "['ri:miks] - T. Brinkmann", elements taken from the studio of Thorsten Brinkmann are combined with abstract forms in a simple unpretentious way, and transformed to a site-specific installation. You could see the synergy of the artwork and this peculiar exhibition space, and that they were made for each other.
Thursday, 10 Apr
Nik Nowak - Echo @ Berlinische Galerie
The winner of the GASAG Art Prize 2014 Nik Nowak developed the sound installation "Echo" for the Berlinische Galerie. It actively involves the visitors, and explores shifts in the meaning of private and public in an age when digital networking is all around us. The visitors at the opening had the special privilege to attend the exclusive one-off, live performance by The Bug (Ninja Tune). I foud it very interesting how electronic music / club culture elegantly sneaked in an institution such as Berlinische Galerie.

Friday, 11 Apr
Milena Jovicevic @ Das Gift & ReTramp
Through different techniques Milena Jovicevic expounds the problems of the gender ratio. In her drawings, ironically and subversively made on a tablet, she creates an unconventional and aggressively funny version of the story of Adam and Eve and Biblical theme of Genesis. With drawings exhibited in Das Gift, and the site-specific installation in ReTramp, she created something like two parallel universes, and offered two different ways of looking at the same thing. Besides the artwork, both places offered different company and atmosphere, and together made the evening twice as fun.
Sunday, 13 Apr
Florian Bong-Kil Grosse & Inn Fahlstrøm @ tête
The images of Grosse and Fahlstrøm are displayed in a mixed constellation as they seem to convey two sides of the same experience. Both with a need to describe aspects of alienation and longing to their country of birth, Korea, their methods differ and contrast each other, but come together as their stories collide.
Fahlstrøm is showing an excerpt from her installation “based on true story” together with Grosse’s series “hanguk”.