What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 02.05 - 04.05
Text and pictures by the Bpigs team
Submitted on 5 May 2014
What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 02.05 - 04.05
Happy tenth birthday dear Gallery Weekend, and thank you for a great ride! The weekend left us exhausted and hungover, with lots of stories and impressions to share.

Friday, 2 May
Felix Kiessling - Ausdehnung @ alexander levy
Friday, 2 May
Michael Sailstorfer - Antiherbst @ ST AGNES
Friday, 2 May
Stefan Rinck - A Sunny Place for Shady People @ Cruise & Callas
Friday, 2 May
At the Interstice of Photography and Sculpture (group show) / Kay Walkowiak - Minimal Vandalism @ Felbuschwiesner
Saturday, 3 May
20 Years Galerie Neu @ Galerie Neu