Brand, Nature and Teamwork
Sat, 29 Jun 2013 19:00
Brand, Nature and Teamwork
Clémence de La Tour du Pin
"Nature does not know exctinction all its knows is transformation." Margaret Mead, american anthropologist (1901 - 1978).
Brand, Nature and Teamwork aims to question our paradoxical relationship with both nature and culture. On the one hand, La Tour du Pin confronts the production of artefacts within a post-industrial context, and on the other hand, examines them using an anthropological angle, considering them in relation to their more primitive dimensions. The exhibition decodes and reconfigures a series of residual components - natural, synthetic and technological - underlying our specific relation to nature and culture, and in particular, nature and technology. The olfactive sense can be treated as a base, where smell is perceived as a trace of our more animal condition; with regards to the expansion of the digital environment and new technologies - enhancement factors in the dematerialisation of our quotidian space.
Collaboration with International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. (IFF)