Tips 19.03 - 22.03
Tips 19.03 - 22.03

Places to appreciate art (and its makers) this week are Haus am Lützowplatz, Galerie Buchholz, Das Gift, L'Atelier-ksr, and Junefirst Gallery. More treats for the creative souls can be found at the Berlin's first Fashion Circus, and Hauschka's record release concert.
18.30 Göran Gnaudschun – book presentation & artist talk @ Haus am Lützowplatz
WHY: As a part of the current exhibition at Haus am Lützowplatz, Göran Gnaudschun presents his book " Alexanderplatz". From 2010 to 2013, Gnaudschun photographed the scenes at Alexanderplatz, with the outcasts, the homeless, and the marginalized. On Thursday, the artist will read from his book, which will be followed by a conversation with Michael Mauracher.
Haus am Lützowplatz / Lützowplatz 9, 10785 Berlin, U Nollendorfplatz / free entry / more info
FRIDAY 21.03
19.00 Stewart Uoo – No Tears in Rain @ Galerie Buchholz
WHY: Stewart Uoo presents new sculptures that take their forms from security gates commonly used to protect ghetto properties in New York. Uoo has applied a sort of sci-fi horror make-up to the window gates, using silicone, paint, tufts of human hair and stains of trompe l’oeil rust. Sculptural special effects mimic and travesty the disciplinary rhythms of the metropolitan infrastructure, which becomes – as in a Cronenberg film – yet another vector for erotic communication. In addition to the sculptures, Uoo has produced a new series of photographs shot with Heji Shin.
Galerie Buchholz / Fasanenstraße 30, 10719 Berlin, U Uhlandstrasse / show open through 23.04 / free entry / more info
20.00 Beth Dynowski, Sophie Macpherson & Sally Osborn @ Das Gift
WHY: This exhibition brings together three artists who each work sculpturally, and who share a common language in part shaped by their shared experience of studying, working, and living in Glasgow, Scotland. Sally Osborn makes installations and assemblages from materials that elicit some kind of malleability or temporality, with recent work focused on clay and ceramic. Sophie Macpherson makes and shows films, live events, objects and drawings. Beth Dynowski's work focuses on the immediacy of material encounters and adopts varying processes of image and object making.
Das Gift / Donaustrasse 119, 12043 Berlin, U Rathaus Neukölln / show open through 22.03 / free entry / more info
16.00 Fashion Circus Berlin @ Kaufhas Jandorf
WHY: For the last 6 years, the Zurich MONTAGSMARKT has been transforming urban spaces in colourful network platforms for young designers, creatives and artists. This Friday, MONTAGSMARKT is coming to Berlin, disguised under the name FASHION CIRCUS. The former Kaufhaus Jandorf in Mitte will be transformed into a colourful night market, and offer a variety of design, sound, and culinary specials. Starting from 16h, fashionistas, hunters, collectors, and friends of the night are invited to discover the range of fashion products, accessories, and vintage items from more than 90 designers.
Kaufhaus Jandorf / Brunnenstrasse 17 – 21, 10119 Berlin, U8 Rosenthaler Platz / more info
18.00 Mirja Busch - Working On Site – Travel As An Artistic Practice @ L'Atelier-ksr
WHY: Through her work, Mirja Busch questions the conceptual principles of land and environmental art. In the exhibition "27 Desert Days", photographic works accompany sound and material installations to create pieces that engage with the contemporary experience of landscape. The second part of the conversation series discusses travel as artistic practice. Guests include Berlin based artist Reiner Maria Matysik, and art sociologist Ignacio Farías.
L'Atelier-ksr / Grossbeerentr. 34, 10965 Berlin, U6/7 Mehringdamm - U1 Möckenbrücke / show open through 22.03 / free entry / more info
19.00 Archaeology Fabricated @ Junefirst Gallery
WHY: A group show with the artists Karlos Gil, Martin Llavaneras, Javier Fresneda, Xavier Ristol, Raúl Artiles, Moneiba Lemes, and Mirak Jamal, revolves around archaelogy, observed and questioned from a contemporary, pop-cultural point of view. „Ruins and stones, relics and artifacts, found as proof of the past, trigger a whole operation of fiction. Retrospective value is given and objects revealed become tokens. They are unique, fetishised and made symbolic. A new object is made of reminiscences of existing things; a future release, lacking sense and function, is now given prospective value."
Junefirst Gallery / Scharnweberstr 35, 10247 Berlin, U5 Samariter Strasse / show open through 23.04 / free entry / more info
20.00 Hauschka – „Abandoned City“ - Record Release Concert @ Radialsystem V
WHY: Wooden sticks, scotch tape, ping pong balls – the pianist and composer Hauschka unleashes an unexpected variety of sounds from the piano with his creativity. On Saturday he will present his latest solo album for the first time: beside his morphed grand piano sound-machine, his "Ensemble" will be expanded by two further programmable player pianos.
Radialsystem V / Holzmarktstr. 33, 10243 Berlin, S Ostbahnhof / 18€ / more info