Beth Dynowski, Sophie Macpherson & Sally Osborn
Fri, 21 Mar 2014 20:00at Das Gift
Beth Dynowski, Sophie Macpherson & Sally Osborn
This exhibition brings together three artists who each work sculpturally, and who share a common language in part shaped by their shared experience of studying, working and living in Glasgow, Scotland.
Sally Osborn makes installations and assemblages from materials that elicit some kind of malleability or temporality with recent work focused on clay and ceramic. The work draws on those disjunctions - spaces or gaps that sit between written, spoken and visual language.
Sophie Macpherson makes and shows films, live events, objects and drawings. Her practice often draws on personal records to investigate subtle communications informing our notions of identity.
Beth Dynowski's work focuses on the immediacy of material encounters. She adopts varying processes of image and object making which mimic and reflect gestures and objects used in everyday life as part of a wider consideration of the relationship between time, difference, rhythm and the body.