
The Bpigs Diaries offer a peek under the art market hood; what are the power dynamics, access and gatekeeping, and the current tension holders. Let's discuss!


Have you met... Bernd Trasberger

In the center of the recently renovated and reopened Berlinische Galerie is the exhibition “Radically Modern: Urban Planning And Architecture In 1960s Berlin”, which takes a comprehensive look at the architecture of East and West Berlin, and its...read more

Tips 17.06 - 27.06

Festival mode on: the annual celebration of all-things-Neukölln meets the first Berlin Food Art Week, while over a hundred films are being shown at Les Rencontres Internationales, and about two hundred art publications presented at Miss Read. All...read more
Rhea Dall & Kristin Siegel, picture Malene Korsgaard Lauritsen

The end of a Cycle at PRAXES

After two years, four Cycles, eight presented artistic positions, and more than fifty hosted events, it is time for Rhea Dall and Kristine Siegel, the founding directors of PRAXES Center for Contemporary Art, to close their Berlin venue and take...read more

Have you met... The Berlin Art Prize

In anticipation of the third edition of the Berlin Art Prize, an independent annual award honoring contemporary art from Berlin, we met up with the founders to hear all about this "meticulous cover version of a classical art prize", which became...read more

Music Tips 09.06 - 22.06

Summer-flavoured, genre-varied two weeks ahead: three very different, equally interesting festivals, plus countless gigs and parties blasting great music for chilling and/or dancing. Things get even better with Bpigs and our generous friends –...read more

Have you met... Christian Jankowski

In the hills of Santa Monica lies Villa Aurora, a "true castle by the sea" in the words of Thomas Mann who was often a guest there. The former exile residence of Marta and Lion Feuchtwanger, which was in the 1940s a meeting point for European...read more

Tips 04.06 - 13.06

Berlin will soon fade out of grey and the art scene will shine brighter in the summer sun. This month three or more events per day is the expected quota, plus there is a lot to look forward to : big openings, big Berlin Art Prize ceremony, and...read more

The stupid quota

I wanted to post my response to this article as well. For what is worth. https://www.artnews.com/toc/women-in-the-art-world/ Art does not have gender. You could maybe, if so inclined, try to differentiate between nuances of female and male energy...read more

Music Tips 26.05 - 04.06

Fake beaches are just about to emerge all over Berlin for the long summer of dipping your dancing feet into sand. First one in the row and one of the biggest this year is the tenth Berlin Festival. Don't miss the big weekend fun and plenty other...read more
Ryan Mosley, Emperor Butterfly

Tips 20.05 - 30.05

Hello spring makeover! Time to give some attention to the galleries spreading their butterfly wings: the newly opened NOME, the renovated Berlinische Galerie, and the soon-to-be relocated Schur-Narula. Apart from the welcomed novelties, a few...read more

Music Tips 15.05 - 26.05

Dial M for Myriad Mindblowing Musical Marvels in May! (...and Maybe even some G spots — go win them here ) FRIDAY 15.05 21.00 Trinity of Music @ Roter Salon WHY: A trinity of projects by visual artists with international renown, who make music to...read more
Gallery Weekend

Gallery Weekend debrief

Marguerite Humeau @ Duve Berlin Arriving at Marguerite Humeau’s show Echoes at Duve made one feel a little apprehentious when confronted at the door with a sign that tells you of the inclusion of ‘deadly Black Mamba venom’ in the wall and floor...read more

Tips 05.05 - 17.05

Gallery Weekend was once again an impressive yearly reminder of how powerful and colorful the Berlin art scene is. The main spectacle is over, but the shows go on - aside from all the exhibitions opened last weekend, there are lots of new things...read more

Have You Met... Johann König

Just as the renovations and preparations for the grand opening of König Galerie were approaching its end, we met up with Johann König to find out more about his new art space in the former community center and church St. Agnes. This monumental...read more

Pre-interview: Josep Maynou

Just before the opening of Josep Maynou's "Ninja From Marrakech" at GSL Projekt, the artist allowed us to sneak in behind the scenes, and showed his exhibition while still in the making. At the time we arrived, Suvi Lehtinen (gallery owner) and...read more

Tips 21.04 - 05.05

This year the 1st of May is more than just an excuse to get wasted in public at midday; it is also the Berlin art scene's favorite holiday – the Gallery Weekend – and the first day of the last Month of Performance Art. Try to stay moderate and...read more

Music Tips 14.04 - 27.04

"April is the cruellest month..." Well, not in Berlin. Enjoy while it lasts, and always with a soundtrack to forever remember the best of it. THURSDAY 16.04 20.00 Jam City + Jack Chosef + Joey Hansom @ Kantine am Berghain WHY: Since 2010, Jack...read more

Tips 08.04 - 20.04

A recent study’s results suggest that looking at art might be just as salubrious as hitting the gym. Challenge accepted! Here is a two-week plan for burning off those excess holiday calories. WEDNESDAY 08.04 17.00 Assaf Gruber – "Citizen in the...read more

Music Tips 31.03 - 13.04

The muses must have been real busy lately inspiring Berlin-based gig poster makers. We ain't no curators, but this here is a damn fine gallery... Feast your eyes even if you are away for the holidays and missing all the good stuff here. PS. Look...read more

Tips 24.03 - 06.04

Spring Break, April 1st, Easter feast… In the next two weeks packed with leisure activities, try not to miss the first / last opportunity to visit some art spaces. While some wonderful galleries are closing, others are (re)opening. Even though it...read more

Have You Met... Manière Noire

After a moderate pause, Manière Noire relaunched with new looks and ideas. Majla Zeneli's fresh new concept for the gallery had sparked our curiosity immediately, as it forms a unique spot in the Berlin art landscape. With the new series of...read more

Music Tips 18.03 - 31.03

Fresh is the keyword for our first spring round of events. Reinvent yourself in the next two weeks with a little help from the musically gifted. WEDNESDAY 18.03 21.00 You Don’t Really Know Me w/ Phoebe Kiddo @ Monarch WHY: Not everyone in Berlin...read more

Tips 10.03 - 23.03

Is everybody done with hibernation? Press refresh and hop into the new season of seeing and being seen. The next two weeks of simultaneous exhibition openings look fairly competitive; some hard choices will have to be made! THURSDAY 12.03 19.00...read more
Caroline Kryzecki -  KSZ 200/152-04

Cover by Caroline Kryzecki

Caroline Kryzecki KSZ 200/152–04, 2014 ball point pen on paper 200x152cm Courtesy Sexauer Gallery Photo Marcus Schneiderread more

Pre-interview: Nik Nowak

We caught up with the young & talented Nik Nowak and his work-in-progress just before the opening of his exhibition „TORQUE: The Moment of Turning“ at Cruise & Callas. The awarded Szene-Liebling, renowned for his monumental sonic...read more
