
The Bpigs Diaries offer a peek under the art market hood; what are the power dynamics, access and gatekeeping, and the current tension holders. Let's discuss!


When This Is Over...I am Going to Get a Divorce

Is Art Essential?

I think this is an excellent moment to start over in the art scene: Educate collectors, gallerists, art lovers, even artists. Any reform in the art world and one is now sorely needed, should start in the ways we talk and write about Art. Starting...read more


Art is always lonely. It is lonely in its conception because you need to quiet the voices in your head. It is lonely in its process because you left it too long, and now you have to finish the damn show. It is lonely in its social context because...read more


Open call for an educational residency with: BILL FONTANA (composer and video artist), HANS PETER KUHN (sound and visual artist), SEBASTIAN MULLAERT a.k.a MINILOGUE (producer and DJ), OVE HOLMQVIST (sound artist), HANS ROSENSTRÖM (sound artist),...read more

Our picks from Berlin_Views

Another beautiful, fresh initiative this week trying to navigate a brave new world of semi-isolation. Berlin galleries have joined forces to create BerlinViews, a website format present­ing over 25 galleries and gallery models. Initiated by Office...read more
Alles wird gut (Everything Will Be Alright), 2020 Simon Mullan

Alles Wird Gut

Berlin galleries are stirring up again from the self-imposed quarantine as the State is now allowing non-essential businesses with spaces smaller than 800-square-meters (8,600 square feet) to reopen starting Monday, April 20. Galleries and...read more

Artist Support Pledge

project initiated by Matthew Burrows Here is another idea taking form currently on Intagram ARTIST SUPPORT PLEDGE Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many artists have found themselves without work, teaching, technical support and gallery work...read more
picture by André Schlechtriem of Dittrich & Schlechtriem

Die Balkone. Life, art, pandemic, proximity in windows & balconies

"If we behave like those on the other side, then we are the other side. Instead of changing the world, all we'll achieve is a reflection of the one we want to destroy." (Jean Genet, The Balcony) So here we are. We can be we, but not…read more
pic by @ClemensWilhelm in Berlin Neukölln.

No I don't want to zoom I want to look at the moon

pic by Clemens Wilhelm in Berlin Neukölln I miss FOMO. I miss opting out. I miss lipstick. Not on me, on you. I miss Aperols and Margaritas and impromptu picnics on the grass and babies running around and touching stuff. Dirty Fingernails. Licking...read more

Berlin Masters Open Call

BERLIN MASTERS is a promotion platform and a curated exhibition for artists under the age of 30, living and working in Berlin. Initiated by the art expert, Matthias Arndt in 2013, the BERLIN MASTERS exhibition is held annually in various prominent...read more


GLOBAL MEETS LOCAL. ZK/U is a residency and platform for creative and urban experimentation. Through its glocal program, ZK/U explores and critiques existing knowledge and practices in urban agglomerations as a springboard to individual and...read more

OPEN CALL: Futureless - QueerFeminist Group Exhibition

For the upcoming Futureless group exhibition, taking place between April 1 and 9 at SomoS Berlin, the SomoS curatorial team is calling for ephemeral installations, durational art pieces, performative lectures/projects as well as discourse-based...read more


De-Heimatize Exhibition

The 4. Berliner Herbstsalon adopts Bilgin Ayata’s call and claims »De-heimatize it!« in order to oppose the strengthening of nationalist movements and the resulting backlash in the distribution of roles between gender and origin. The Herbstsalon...read more

Housing The Humans

Housing the Human unveils the results of five projects that tackle questions on how will we live in the near future. The collaboration brings together art, science, and technological innovation to explore speculative concepts for the future of...read more

Terre des Femmes Charity Art Auction

Bpigs is happy to support the Terre des Femmes Charity Art Auction with works by Norbert Bisky, Julius von Bismarck, Candida Höfer, Jonathan Meese, Karin Sander, Rosemarie Trockel, Miriam Vlaming, Bettina WitteVeen and 40 other contemporary...read more


FOOD ART WEEK 2020 is now ready to announce its next topic SEEDS! OPEN CALL FOR ARTWORKS IN BERLIN, MEXICO CITY, OAXACA, SAO PAULO, and AUSTRALIA \\ We are looking for works to be featured in Food Art Week 2020, about the topic of seeds— any type...read more
Award winner © Apartment Project

Berlin Art Weeks - Tours

Let's talk guided tours. Berlin is perfect for drifting along with the crowds and ending up having walked for miles but sometimes you need that extra push to hop on the bike and experience the city from new perspecitves. The Network of Berlin...read more
Foto: Victoria Tomaschko for Monopol Magazin


From May to December 2019, STATISTA has been testing whether working "in the spirit of the Commons" is an option today, even within the context of city development. With the aid of ten distinct playing fields, STATISTA will generate artistic...read more
Selina Traun, Pneu (2018)

Art Berlin Fair - What Else besides Galleries?

Art Berlin opens today with an extensive parallel program in collaborations that reach from the local iniative Berlin Art Prize to Liste ART FAIR BASEL. The program concentrates on the usual three options, talks, screenings and an extensive...read more
A canary called Cassandra  2017-ongoing

Berlin Art Prize 2019 Nominee Exhibitions

The sixth edition of the Berlin Art Prize, the city’s independent art award, takes place in September 2019. This year, the 9 nominees will be exhibited in 9 project spaces of the city for 9 solo shows. The non-profit seeks to collaborate with some...read more
graphic design by Charlotte Hansel in collaboration with Susi Hinz

unselect - exhibition festival

Kleine Humboldt Galerie is turning TEN!!! and is celebrating by curating the exhibition festival un select from 12 July through July 21, 2019 Vernissage is on Friday, July 12th at 6:30 pm at Lichthof Ost, Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin Through...read more

Tips this Week!

Constant Dullart installation at Amour - Tropez open daily 10-18h pool admission 5.5/3.5 Summer in Berlin! Oh the season of long outdoor day parties and riding back home amidst dramatic thunderstorms... It seems like June is the new May in Berlin...read more

B_LA connect

B-LA CONNECT understands itself as an international cultural exchange on a grass roots level. It brings together members of different art spheres and scenes from two cities: Los Angeles and Berlin. In June 2019, 20 art spaces from Los Angeles will...read more

Project Space Festival Berlin 2019- Week 1

This year's international edition of the Project Space Festival Berlin will take place under the title "When The Hunger Starts" from June 1-30th at public places in Berlin that change daily. With their open, translocal and often virtually...read more
