
The Bpigs Diaries offer a peek under the art market hood; what are the power dynamics, access and gatekeeping, and the current tension holders. Let's discuss!


Berlin Art Week Gallery Shows Not to Miss

If you just landed from the moon and missed the whole action, or if you have three more days in Berlin before taking off- THESE are the shows you should go see. No drinks, no pics, no tweets. Just art. JUSTIN MATHERLY: Community I cannot believe I...read more
Pantone Emerald Paint

Intern's Diary #1: Pantone Forecast 2013

While we waited at Michael Janssen gallerie last week for John Baldessari to arrive (late, against all odds) at the preview reception, Meg Cranston, his work partner, filled us in on the collaborative pieces they had made for their show Real...read more

Have You Met... Artistdock

After founding the successful DESIGNERDOCK recruitment agency in 1996, Alexander Dewhirst decided to create a networking project for artists to do what DESIGNERDOCK did for the communication industry. Artistdock aims to link artists and curators,...read more

What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 20.09 - 22.09

Aufwiedersehen Berlin Art Week, see you next year! Slightly exhausted and highly inspired, we look back on all of the places we visited and (dis)liked (read the first two diaries of our pilgrimage through the art venues of Berlin here & here...read more
Figge von Rosen booth with Diana Sirianni


And action! First thing I did on the fair was a step back, fretting from the crazy whip lady, one of the many shows/actions to be set up and taken down in the course of 2 hours in the Upcoming Exhibitions section right by the entrance. Is she...read more

What Did I (Not) Miss: Berlin Art Week, Part 2

Beautiful Minds @ Humboldt University Campus Nord Although creative and immediately interesting, the idea to put up an exhibition in the anatomy department doesn't work so well for art. What would you rather be looking at - an almost empty...read more

abc: First Impressions

art berlin contemporary’s sixth edition opens today at Station Berlin! Following the success of last year’s art fair format, galleries across the world were invited to demonstrate their ability as producers for artists at this year’s fair. With...read more

What Did I (Not) Miss: Berlin Art Week, Part 1

Marisa Favretto / Yudi Noor - Recognize Set In Free Edge @ Galerie Christian Ehrentraut After the main opening on Auguststrasse, I got the impression that I will have to queue to see any show during BAW. Fortunately, people are more into the word...read more

Tips 17.09 - 22.09

Berlin Art Week, ladies and gentlemen, is starting right about NOW! In the next few days time is the most precious currency - don't waste any of it - there is a lot not to be missed! Tune in our facebook and twitter pages for daily events tips and...read more

abc preview

In the sixth edition of abc art berlin contemporary, first-time director Maike Cruse presents over 130 galleries and 18 countries, with the three-day-long fair pushing each gallery and institution to demonstrate their abilities as producers for...read more

abc: Upcoming Exhibitions

Upcoming Exhibitions is a conditional project space developed within the parameters of abc art berlin contemporary 2013. Existing wholly for the duration of abc, Upcoming Exhibitions will constitute a program made up of contributions by 14 invited...read more

What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 12.09 - 15.09

THURSDAY 12.09 Meg Cranston & John Baldessari - Real Painting (for Aunt Cora) @ Michael Janssen "Godfather of conceptual art, master of appropriation, surrealist for the digital age..." - as Tom Waits narrates . What would you ask John...read more

Have You Met... Ulay

Born as Frank Uwe Laysiepen, known as Ulay, recently introduced as Water. The grandparent of performance, turning 70 this year, talks about his current exhibition, recent work, and some memorable moments of his 42 years long involvement in art. We...read more

Tips 11.09 - 15.09

David Shrigley (Saturday 14.09 @ BQ) Berlin Art Week? Are we there yet? Not quite, although the long list of openings tells us different. Consider it a warm-up for the real thing that starts in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ... WEDNESDAY 11.09 19.00 DOKU.ARTS @...read more

What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 06.09 - 07.09

FRIDAY 06.07 Berlin Masters @ Arndt An exhibition of works by selected master students from two Berlin art universities turned out to be the most exciting opening this week. There were more people in the gallery than seeds in a pomegranate, and...read more

Tips 04.09 - 08.09

Julian Charrière (Friday 19h Berlin Masters @ Arndt) A week of premiering, pioneering and debuting, celebrating new things and loving the sponsors who generously make it free. You don't even have to wait for the weekend - the fun starts today!...read more

Bad Curating

Imagine you finally get invited to the Venice Biennale and you end up in this mess, in the upper left corner no less…. That is what I thought about Sgarbi’s (mostly) painting cluster Arte no est Cosa Nostra , which appalled the art world in the...read more
Andreas Greiner & Fabian Knecht ENTLADUNG

What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 28.08 - 01.09

WEDNESDAY 28.08 Languageleaps @ Galeria Plan B Recently I got the feeling that Tyrannousaurus Rex (known as T-Rex) is getting quite popular. Like an icon. I have met one here as a star of a poem written by Hanne Lippard. I would call it the same...read more

An Apéritif

So what has been going on? Berlin Art Week is getting ready for its second edition. It got bigger, better and if possible... Berlin_er! The 10 main institution partners, abc and Preview art fairs are now joined by ten temporary partners, chosen by...read more

Have You Met... Praxes

In a two-floor 200m2 of the former church complex St.Agnes an exciting new art space opens its doors on 31st of August. PRAXES is a not-for-profit venue for international contemporary art and research founded and directed by Rhea Dall and Kristine...read more

Tips 28.08 - 31.08

Jutta Koether (31.08 @ PRAXES) Prepare your artiest outfits for this week of one opening after another, and make sure you save the finest one for Saturday when Berlin art scene becomes richer for a great new project space. WEDNESDAY 28.08 19.00...read more

What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 23.08 - 25.08

FRIDAY 23.08 Sabine Fassl @ Scotty Enterprises The weirdest of shapes in nature met for a show... ...as if the artist visited another planet and brought us alien plants samples. The space felt very much alive, breathing and photosynthesising. New...read more

Tips 21.08 - 25.08

René Luckhardt (Friday 23.08 @ Autocenter) Heads up, Berlin! Warm lazy summer is already behind us but it also means that an exciting new start is just around the corner. Get ready for an eventful art season with our growing list of tips. THURSDAY...read more

Tips 14.08 - 18.08

Meret Oppenheim (16.08 @ Martin-Gropius-Bau) Art, music, dance and everything in between. Challenge your curiosity with our somewhat mysterious, esoteric and surreal weekly tips. WEDNESDAY 14.08 20.30 Molly Nilsson @ Naherholung Sternchen WHY: So...read more

What Did I Miss/ What Did I Not Miss 08.08 - 10.08

THURSDAY 08.08 Transartfest - Ensemble Xenon @ Supermarkt It is not a good idea to come late to an alternative music performance where audience become a part of it because in this case you won´t, and maybe (my case) you will not understand and...read more
