TIDINGS Anna Gestering

Thu, 16 Nov 2023

On view
16 Nov-16 Dec 2023

TIDINGS Anna Gestering

The book 'TIDINGS' is a playful exploration of the concept of information overload. The form of the analog book challenges the viewer to actively deal with this flood. The reference to the tides in the title suggests a specific structure and rhythm. It is less about translating this rhythm into an exact graphic representation than about the symbolic alternation of high and low tide, mass and emptiness and the search for order in a seemingly endless expanse that can be both attractive and overwhelming in its unmanageability.

"Waves of delicate curves rise and fall on white paper pages in colors ranging from deep blue to pale azure. Changing in form and intensity, in variations and repetitions, the waves set a visual rhythm reminiscent of both the structures of a musical score and a tide chart. However, there is no emptiness here, no ebb. The overlapping, simultaneous tidal representations of several coasts and seas unite several imaginary landscapes into a never-ending, moving tide, a permanent presence.

What seems to mitigate the constant "tide" one is confronted with in "Tidings" is the continuous rhythmic pattern, which, albeit irregular, offers the viewer some calming pauses, and which challenges one to create order through comparison and retrospection, through the search for connections and distancing." (Excerpt from the text "Tidying the tide" by Eleni Mouzourou)