Tender Talks

Tender Talks

Exhibition tour with Gloria Aino Grzywatz, curator and art mediator, and participating artists (in German).

Wednesdays, 5.30pm–7pm.
Every Wednesday, there is an opportunity to meet and talk with individual artists.

Further events:
Tuesday, 18 October 8pm – 10 pm
Tender Reels
Film screening and talk
Free admission
Filmrauschpalast Moabit, Lehrter Str. 35, 10557 Berlin

Within the framework of the exhibition, regular exhibition tours and other events will take place. Up-to-date information about the program and gallery visits can be found on the websites www.goldrausch.org and www.kommunalegalerie-berlin.de, as well as on our social media channels. Creative workshops for school classes and adults are offered in the studio at Kommunale Galerie Berlin. All information can be found at www.kommunalegalerie-berlin.de/atelier/

Finissage: Sunday, 30 October 2022, 3pm–5pm.
With an exhibition tour with art historian Julia Meyer-Brehm (in German).