Performing States of Hidden Earth
Fri, 23 Mar 2018 19:00at Das Gift
Performing States of Hidden Earth
Alice Morey
‘It is easy to imagine these objects live amongst another in our absence but you know that’s probably bullshit. They’re just inert like everything else that’s dead. And is the ghost just the imagination that things could be otherwise, as we are haunted by the past? The past creeps up on the present and teases it to no longer be itself. It’s difficult to remember. You could always hear the bathroom because the top bit of the head wall above the sink was open, and the walls were thin and made of wood. Even though all the things, so accumulated in this tiny space, could seem playful, or just there because of curiosity, but then, they all seemed to be part of something.’
(extract from sound installation in Never, never, ghosts in collaboration with Ed Luker, London 2018)
Responding to her recent exhibitions In London and Berlin, Alice Morey will construct a symbolic environment of transcendence in Das Giftraum. Presenting an accumulation of objects alongside her paintings, the space will become a site of interaction between them. Socially transformed within the language of the space they speak to each other with a magical secrecy. Looking to the every day and its distance from the esoteric, she explores questions of objectification and materialism.
Alice is a British artist who has been living and working in Berlin since 2009. Before that she studied at University of Brighton.