Jens Juul: Six Degrees of Copenhagen

Fri, 3 Mar 2023

On view
3 Mar-5 May 2023

Jens Juul: Six Degrees of Copenhagen

Jens Juul: Solo Exhibition
03.03. 7 – 9 pm

BBA Gallery presents Jens Juuls’ first solo exhibition in Berlin, ‘Six Degrees of Copenhagen’. It is an ongoing series that 1st Prize winner of the BBA Photography Prize 2021, Jens Juul, has been working on for the past ten years. Part documentation, part social examination, and part artistic portraiture, the harsh, and unrelenting photographs of Jens Juul brings the viewer into close acquaintance with the vulnerable private life of strangers yet highlights the beauty of the human condition.The exhibition is part of the European Month of Photography.