How do you tell someone they have a bad haircut?
Fri, 2 Jun 2017 19:00at Das Gift
How do you tell someone they have a bad haircut?
When an everyday situation, object or action becomes art, it changes the relationship and feelings we have towards it. Categorising something as art is a way of understanding it; so by questioning the distinction between the everyday and the art object, it can test our definitions and make us question what we are looking at. Ash Higginson asks how art can be made and viewed through researching the relationships and politics between artist, work, viewer and gallery. In her practise she uses text, photography, video, secrets, rumours, interventions, readymade objects and actions. Through the use of humour, word play and pop music she asks the viewer to question what they are looking at and who to trust.
In this exhibition she will be showing a collection of her recent works, focussing on the themes of melodrama, emotion and everyday experience.