Clone of Grapes and Seeds - Reading with Rabea Edel

Sat, 25 Mar 2023 14:00

Clone of Grapes and Seeds - Reading with Rabea Edel

Reading with Rabea Edel⎢Sat. March. 25, 14 hr

"A portrait of an unborn being in the time before birth"
"The birth of a child and the birth of a mother"

The duo exhibition Grapes and Seeds by Rabea Edel (Berlin, DE) and Dongwan Kook (Seoul, KR) addresses how women relate their artistic practice to motherhood or distance themselves from it. While Dongwan Kook depicts 40 weeks of a gestation period with free association drawings and texts to show the landscape of growth as one and multiple, Rabea Edel tells the story of a woman as a newborn mother with documentary pictures and auto-fictional strategies to express motherhood, love and postpartum depression.

Together with drawings, installation, and photograph works, the two selected artists’ books, Rabea Edel's A Second Beating Heart (Shift Books, Berlin 2021) and Dongwan Kook's I am three or four or five (Boundary Books, Seoul 2022), provide an opportunity to look into the conjunction of motherhood and art in life, the sociocultural position of artist mothers, and their individual circumstances and engagement with the subject matter.

By bringing a light to the subject of women and mother artists in the contemporary art scene, aims to engage women artists to continue their artistic career and break the taboo of mothers not being able to exhibit because of parenting.