Andrew J. Burford's evening artist walk: I think I’m done with the kitchen table, baby.

Sun, 27 Jun 2021

On view
27 Jun 2021

Andrew J. Burford's evening artist walk: I think I’m done with the kitchen table, baby.

Andrew J. Burford's evening artist walk titled: I think I’m done with the kitchen table, baby. The walk is €15 per person. Please sign up for Andrew's walk here
Burford will discuss pissing when your gender identification doesn’t match the sign on the door, what goes through the head of a queer person when they want to hold their lover’s hand on the train and how cruising strangers in bushes is a political act. The walk will serve as a chance to discuss topics relating to queerness in public and celebrate the political nature of queerness all while listening to a heavily curated playlist of pop music.