Lower East Side Galleries

Lower East Side Galleries


What Did I Miss/What Did I Not Miss-NEW YORK, Sunday Jan 27

One of the things I will definitely miss about NY are the Lower East Side Sundays. The big galleries of Chelsea and midtown are closed on the day of the Lord (for obvious reasons ), so the bigger and smaller names of art journalism (and we) are...read more


I am in Miami, Bitch!

I AM IN MIAMI, BITCH! *one of the T-shirt Slogans Despite it’s stretching on to three districts North, South Beach and what was very misleadingly called Designer District , where I went expecting petites boutiques and was confronted with...read more

What Did I Miss-NEW YORK 17-21.10

A selection of shows you would have the chance to visit if you were in New York this weekend. Pictures are listed from: Lower East Side towards Chelsea, awesome to weird, and from normal to paranormal. LOWER EAST SIDE Andra Ursuta @ Ramiken...read more