Modern european cuisine
zwischen körpern
Fri, 19 Mar 2021 14:00
zwischen körpern
Launch on Youtube Livestream: Like a Vernissage – but with a Book / 19.03.2021 / from 2 pm (link via KHG social channels)
Artists: Kirstin Burckhardt, Marco Buetikofer, Carolina Caycedo, Stine Deja, Lotte Meret Effinger, Ester Fleckner, Yngve Holen, Luisa Krautien, Michael Liani, Theresa Schubert, Zuzana Svatik
Exhibiting in times of Corona prompted curators, artists and the entire cultural landscape to rethink and create innovative concepts continuously. We, Kleine Humboldt Galerie, also felt a responsibility to react to the current situation. Therefore, through the medium of a publication, the exhibition zwischen körpern can be experienced on paper. An additional digital programme will expand the exhibition's physical limits.
An exhibition in book form – contemporary art in the Gerlachbau at the Tieranatomisches Theater from 19 March 2021 to 30 April 2021.