To want the world in a glass hat

Fri, 13 Dec 2024 17:00

On view
13 Dec 2024-2 Mar 2025

To want the world in a glass hat

Display presents Bethan Hughes & Dominique Hurth in collaboration with Neun Kelche.

Display is back in Berlin for the opening of the exhibition To want the world in a glass hat. featuring the works by Bethan Hughes and Dominique Hurth and in collaboration with the space Neun Kelche. 

Bethan Hughes and Dominique Hurth each draw on long-standing, research-driven practices, critically examining social norms, marginalized voices, and the materiality of objects. In this joint exhibition, the artists connect through the title To want the world in a glass hat. —drawn from the poem New Year on Dartmoor, by Sylvia Plath— and reimagine the project space as a resonance chamber. In a literal sense, they engage with the project space and its architecture: the large glass fronts carry a site-specific sound installation. In a metaphorical sense, they address structural questions about normativity, who is heard and in which space, what is visible, and what remains hidden.

The collaborative project To want the world in a glass hat. brings together the two art spaces/initiatives, Display (Marie DuPasquier) and Neun Kelche (Kira Dell and Laura Seidel) with artists Bethan Hughes and Dominique Hurth. The core of the project is the network of solidarity with power-critical and collaborative perspectives that connect us in our curatorial work.  

Further collaborations: 
Reading group in collaboration with Diffrakt, Berlin (date tbc)
Finissage, Mar 1, 2025, 4-9pm, with the performance soundless voices, bitten tongues, haptic hands (Script version #2, 2025) with performer Lina Campanella and sound intervention by Emilie Ding and Alizée Lenox

Opening hours, from Jan 10: Fridays, 2-7pm and by appointment

Grafik design flyer: Cecilia Murgia, 2024
Typografie/Type design: ABC Honeymoon hairline, by Dinamo
Title borrowed from Sylvia Plath, New Year on Dartmoor (written 1961-62, published 1981)
Image: Dominique Hurth, soundless voices, bitten tongues, haptic hands, production images, 2019