The Flood Today
Fri, 15 Mar 2019 19:00
The Flood Today
with Tom Albrecht, Charlotte Bastian, Thomas Behling, Jörn Birkholz / Stephan Groß, Barbara Czarnojahn, Helga Franz, Amelie von Godin, Gerten Goldbeck, Isabell Kamp, Maria Korporal, Angela Lloyd, Anna Rafetseder, Rosa Schmidt
„The Flood Today“ – artists on the subject of flood, extreme weather events and climate change More and more frequently extreme weather events of short duration and high intensity such as heavy rain or storms occur in previously unknown locations and cause increasing damages. Reasons are climate change, increasing surface sealing, increased rainwater drainage, intensive agriculture... It was assumed water was technically manageable. Today, however, countries, local authorities and citizens are called upon to take precautions. Renaturation measures in waters should make a contribution to flood protection. Organic farming protects the soil and helps to save rain.
curated by Tom Albrecht
15.3.2019, 7pm: Vernissage with performance “Indigo Islands” from Rosa Schmidt
29.3.2019, 7pm: Artist talk
26.4.2019, 7pm: Lecture“Starkregen – Lokal und global ”, Nasrin Haacke. TU Berlin, Institut für Ökologie (in German)
10.5.2019, 7pm: Finissage